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他们很不赞成新展品。They deprecated the new exhibit.

图6-6向我们展示了这些因素。Exhibit 6-6 shows us the factors.

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这个方法表现出功能行为了么?Does it exhibit the functional behavior?

请出示公共汽车月票。Please exhibit me your monthly bus pass.

花了一个下午的时间看太空展。Spent the afternoon at the space exhibit.

整场展览非常棒。It was just awesome, like the whole exhibit.

CC中国图片展览简直让人称奇。The CC China Photo exhibit was just amazing.

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人造肌肉没有静摩擦。Artificial muscles exhibit no static friction.

葫芦岛海滨展示中心,辽宁,中国。Huludao Beach Exhibit Centre, Liaoning, China.

一辆侧翻的躺在主展览厅的一边。A car lay on its side in the main exhibit hall.

现在博物馆的每个大厅都是一个展室。Now every hall of the museum is a mere exhibit.

主人结构在展览品中被显示。The host configuration is shown in the exhibit.

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这些实体展示出复杂性的种类。These entities exhibit both kinds of complexity.

因此人们说这类物质出现滞后现象。The substance is then said to exhibit hysteresis.

最后我们参观了天津历史展品。Finally we visited the history exhibit of Tianjin.

明信片上的照片都是展览的照片。The pictures on the postcards are from the exhibit.

那儿有导演蒂姆•波顿的展览。There was the Tim Burton exhibit who was a director.

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从28日开始,49件珍品将正式展出。Begin from 28 days, 49 curiosa will exhibit formally.

另有许多解说员在展场定点为您解说。There are also many exhibit guides around the Museum.

对于守寡表现虚伪的丧偶妇女。Bereaved women who exhibit their widowhood insincerely.