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吉布森极力否认有不法行为。Gibson denies wrongdoing.

那先生您打算发表了?Are you going to print it, Mr. Gibson.

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包括一个自定义吉布森硬壳案件。Includes a custom Gibson hardshell case.

你大错特错了,边都没沾。我被超级明星梅尔·吉布森倾倒了。I have a crush on the super star Mel Gibson.

吉普森普雷兹走近一间教室。GIBSON PRAISE walks into one of the schoolrooms.

吉布森在第一节命中5个3分球。Gibson hit five 3-pointers in the first quarter.

联合主演的还有帕特里克·斯图尔特和梅尔·吉普森。Julia co-stars with Patrick Stewart and Mel Gibson.

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你记得在英雄本色里梅尔吉勃逊的那一句台词吗?Do you remember the line by Mel Gibson in Braveheart?

吉布森是年夜丹狗,而布布则是吉娃娃狗。Gibson is a Great Dane and Boo Boo is a Chihuahua dog.

但吉布森称这着实不短诳小我都管用。But that's not going to work for everyone, Gibson says.

达伦。吉布森也伤了,我们选择不多。Darron Gibson was injured so we didn't have many options.

吉布森也替补格伦。蕙兰出场。Gibson entered the fray moments earlier as a sub for Glenn Whelan.

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首先,莎拉-佩林将接受美国广播公司查理-吉布森的采访。First, Sarah Palin would have a sit-down with ABC’s Charlie Gibson.

是啊,但是把它和梅尔·吉布森混搭在一起,你能造成一个喜剧经典。Yeah, but mash it up with Mel Gibson and you've got a comedy classic.

但吉布森称老牌公司的人才流失不会持续很久。But Gibson says the brain drain from old-guard companies may not last.

电话和电子邮件,以鲍德温和母公司的吉布森去回应。Calls and emails to Baldwin and parent company Gibson went unreturned.

而且无论你对吉布森本人有什么看法,吉布森仍然是男主角。And whatever your opinion about Gibson the man, so is Gibson the actor.

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吉布森调查了人们对于“团队合作”这一概念的认识。Gibson has interviewed people to understand how they conceptualize teams.

约翰卡特现金和他的祖母梅贝尔卡特的吉布森L型5吉他。John Carter Cash with his grandmother Maybelle Carter's Gibson L-5 guitar.

斯莫林得到了他的第一个奖牌,还有吉布森,豌豆。Chris Smalling's got his first medal, so have Darron Gibson and Chicharito.