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一天早上在走廊上我发现了一只营养不良、被人抛弃的小狗。One morning we came upon an abandoned undernourished puppy on the porch.

这组作者写道,营养不良的人群的饮食常常缺乏色氨酸。The authors write that diets poor in tryptophan are common in undernourished populations.

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让我们记住,还有许许多没有吃饱的人,青年人和老年人都有,分布在世界各地都有。Let us remember the many undernourished people, young and old, scattered throughout the world.

粮农组织2004年估计,在2000-2002年间全球营养不足人数为8.52亿。In 2004, FAO estimated that 852 million people worldwide were undernourished during the 2000-2002 period.

联合国粮农组织说,在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,每三个人中就有一人今年会继续食不果腹。The FAO said one out of three people in sub-Saharan Africa would continue to be undernourished this year.

结果,许多人仍然营养不良,容易遭受与不良食谱相关的健康危机。As a result, many people remain undernourished and vulnerable to the health risks associated with a poor diet.

最终声明指出现在世界上仍有仍然有8.62亿人处于营养不良中。The final declaration said eight hundred sixty-two million people are still undernourished in the world today.

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他的提议,实际上是催肥这些营养不良的儿童和饲料他们爱尔兰丰富的土地拥有者。His proposal, in effect, is to fatten up these undernourished children and feed them to Ireland's rich land-owners.

生活在脆弱国家的儿童出现营养不良的几率大一倍,辍学的几率大两倍。Children living in fragile states are twice as likely to be undernourished and three times as likely to be out of school.

对于几百万营养不良的朝鲜人民来说,“下馆子”的想法完全是天方夜谭。For millions of undernourished North Koreans, the notion of eating at a restaurant belongs strictly to the world of fantasy.

随着逐渐减少的资源和本已在增加的营养不良人口,这个影响将是灾难性的。With dwindling resources and an already increasing number of undernourished people in the world, the effects could be devastating.

最悲惨的是,比起那些营养充足的孩童,麻疹或咳嗽之类的传染病很轻易就能取走这些饥饿孩童的性命。Most tragically, infectious diseases such as measles or whooping cough can kill undernourished children more readily than well-fed ones.

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自此以后,这些元素的密度变得更为稀薄,现在星系的外侧已经过于贫瘠,很难形成地球这样的行星。Since then the elements have become more widely distributed, and now only the galaxy’s outer rim is too undernourished to form Earths easily.

君不见几年来沉积的滞销楼盘中,大都是先天营养不足,后天发育不全之类,问题大多出在项目定位之时。Do years depositions unsalable properties, mostly congenital undernourished , acquired stunting such, the issue of a definition of the project.

他认为28岁的朴智星是“比赛中最被低估的球员之一,”对一个看起来仅仅是一个最营养不良的球员的高度评价。He called the 28-year-old Park “one of the most underrated players in the game, ” high praise for a player who once seemed merely one of the most undernourished.

例如,亚洲及太平洋区域和拉丁美洲及加勒比区域在营养不足人口数量和发生率方面实现了全面的减少。For instance, Asia and the Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean had seen an overall reduction in both the number and the prevalence of undernourished people.

联合国粮食和农业组织的数据显示,发展中世界的营养不良人群所占百分比,已经从1950年的大于50个百分点跌至今天的16个百分比。N.Food and Agriculture Organization, the percentage of undernourished people in the developing world has dropped from more than 50 percent in 1950 to 16 percent today.

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以前,有很多营养不良的孩子在学校被赠予牛奶并因此受益,牛奶就被视为孩子们成长中必不可少的食物。Because in the past many undernourished children have benefited from cow\\\'s milk given them at school, milk has gained a reputation as being essential for growing children.

联合国粮农组织日前公布的一份报告指出,经济危机导致饥饿状况急剧恶化,2009年全球饥饿人口已达到创纪录的12亿。The annual report of the UN food agencies shows the food crisis in poor countries, coupled with the global economic crisis, has made a record 1.2b people undernourished in 2009.

除非立即采取行动,否则就不可能实现千年发展目标中的到2015年把营养不足的人数降低到不超过4.2亿人的目标。Unless immediate action is taken, reaching the Millennium Development Goal of reducing the number of undernourished people to no more than 420 million by 2015 will be impossible.