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警方正积极疏散山区居民。Police continue to evacuate some foothill neighborhoods.

然后无休止名单内华达山下的道路可供选择。And then an endless list of Sierra Nevada Foothill roads to choose from.

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在泰山西麓肥城提起穆柯寨,人人皆知,家喻户晓。Foothill Feicheng mentions Mu Kezhai west Taishan, everybody knows, widely known.

我们在山麓停车场黑暗的角落用他那小号龙形大麻烟枪抽烟。We smoke out of his mini dragon bong, out in the lightless corner of the Foothill parking lot.

松树的香味和蟋蟀的鸣叫声从阿巴拉契亚山麓飘送过来。The scent of pine and the sound of crickets floated down from the foothill of the appalachians.

2008年,大约有145人踩死在喜马拉雅山脚的一个偏僻的印度寺庙了。In 2008, more than 145 people died in a stampede at a remote Hindu temple at the foothill of the.

位于黄土高原丘陵沟壑干旱半干旱区的甘肃省定西地区,面临生态恶劣和经济贫困的双重危机。Dingxi Prefecture is located in the foothill of the Loess Plateau, where the climate is arid or semi-arid.

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从黄腿蛙的皮肤分泌物中提取出来的一种物质有望杀灭超级细菌。One substance isolated from the skin secretions of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog shows promise for killing superbug.

入口门廊以张拉膜结构覆盖,宛如一片白云飘浮在山脚。The arrival access is coved by a tensioned membrane structure which suggests a white cloud floating above the foothill.

文章系统地分析了皖南山丘区洪涝灾害成因,并提出相应防治对策。This paper analyzes the waterlog causes of the southern Anhui foothill area by synthesis and gives some prevention measures.

目前皮顺毛滑的水獭仍在山脚溪流享受无忧无虑的捕鱼生活。但能继续享受多久就难说了。For the moment, smooth-coated otters can still enjoy carefree fishing in the foothill streams. But for how much longer is hard to tell.

冰雹是一种中小尺度的天气现象,多发生在地形复杂的山区和丘陵地带。The hail is a kind of in small dimensions of weather phenomenon, take place in the geography complicated mountain area and foothill much.

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北佐治亚连绵起伏的山麓地带被犁成了无数弯弯曲曲地垅沟,这样说,对自己那使肥沃的土壤不致被冲洗到河床里去。The rolling foothill country of north Georgia was plowed in a million curves to keep the rich earth from washing down into the river bottoms.

所以吃过午饭后,徐哥哥、陈哥哥、潘姐姐带领孩子们来到融水的“独秀山脚”,开始爬山的征程!After the lunch, Brother Xu and Brother Chen and Sister Pan took the children to the "beautiful foothill " in Rong Shui, beginning our journey.

北乔治亚的山麓区域,地势迤逦而下,所以被开作无数的曲线,以免那肥沃的泥土被冲进河底里去。The rolling foothill country of north georgia was ploughed in a million curves to keep the rich earth from washing down into the river bottoms.

北乔治亚的山麓区域,地势迤逦而下,所以被开作无数的曲线,以免那肥沃的泥土被冲进河底里去。The rolling foothill country of north georgia was ploughed in a million curves to keep the rich earth from washing down into the river bottoms.

新生代断褶构造发育程度控制了山前带构造圈闭的发育和裂缝性气藏的形成。The maturity of the fault fold structure in Cenozoic controls the development of structural traps in the foothill belt and the formation of fissured gas pools.

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和美国西部的山相比,这座山只是一座麓山,然而它就坐落在三条风暴路径的辐合上,天气系统与强风沿此辐合吹向大海。The mountain is a foothill compared with western peaks, but it sits at the convergence of three storm tracks, along which weather systems and wind hurtle seaward.

其中,笔者经过自己长期的教学实践经验的积累提出了对岳麓版历史必修教材的一点意见。Among them, the author experienced oneself long-term teaching experience accumulation to propose to a mountain foothill version history compulsory teaching material opinion.

金1井处于准噶尔盆地南缘从山前构造到盆地腹地之间的过渡带,设计目的层深,钻遇多套复杂地层。Jin 1 locates in the transitional zone between the foothill structural zone and the hinterland of the Junggar basin, the target zone is deep and we have to meet complex formation.