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他是个无能之辈。He is an incapable person.

但是,迈克却做不到。But Mike is incapable of that.

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它对复制自己无能为力。It's incapable of repeating itself.

唯有他们是不能作声,不能说话的。Only they are mute incapable of speech.

他没有能力去观看她们的肖像。He is incapable of looking at portraits.

无能的经营管理断送了公司。Incapable management ruined the company.

不确定的感情,让我无法工作。Incertitude love, make me incapable of work.

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学生发言时似乎不能掌握要点。The students seem incapable of speaking ad rem.

她不能分辨是非。She is incapable of discerning right from wrong.

太多的情感使我们无力招架。Too many emotions cause us to control incapable.

树在无阳光的地方不能生长。Trees are incapable of growing without sunshine.

但是没有谁是完完全全不能娱乐的。But no one is completely incapable of having fun.

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那正好是你力所不能的。That is precisely what you are incapable of doing.

他知道你无法成为完美或不犯罪。He knows you are incapable of being perfect or sinless.

在经营上各自为政,无法形成市场合力。In management co-ordination, incapable of market force.

不可能和无能者是最好的搭档。Impossibility and incapable persons are unique partners.

那份无力和渺小,我的心,一片灰暗。That is incapable and is tiny , my heart , a gloominess.

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我已无力再去反驳、任凭纠缠把我淹没。I incapable refuted again, whatever pesters me submerges.

更无力承受四面八方的指责。More incapable withstanding in all directions accusation.

人们认为宠物几乎是不可能有错的。They are deemed to be incapable of almost any misdemeanour.