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这是一个防御级别非常高的领域。It's an area that's very highly defendable.

“我相信,首先这个事情存在两个问题,欧足联采取的行动是不能接受的。”温格接着说,欧足联这次可能会自找麻烦。I believe that, first of all, there are two cases in this case and that Uefa has taken action that is not defendable.

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用这种方法我一次也没失败过,不过我意识到如果对方很早就侦察到的话就可能会化解这个战术。I did not fail once with this build, however i realize that it is probably defendable if you rly see it coming pretty early.

如果美国不这么富有敌意的话,我认为中国可能不会觉得有建立可防御的贸易路线的战略需要。If the USwasn't so aggressively hostile, I doubt China would see any strategic need to ensure its trade routes are defendable.

而电器转换盒、煤气表、个人电脑之所以成为蚂蚁们的理想居所是因为它们的内部环境干燥,有微小的孔缝,成为了蚂蚁最适于防御的入口。Electrical switch boxes, gas meters, or your PC make ideal homes because they are dry and have small, easily defendable entrances.

除非你说我们想要追求国家的荣誉和自豪,所以我们必须让我们最好球员去参加欧青赛,那么这是可以说得通。Unless you say we want to go for national pride and ego, so we just play our best players in this tournament, then it is defendable.

介质损耗测量作为高压电器设备预防性试验的重要手段,目前应用得很普遍。The medium wastage measure is an important method to high voltage equipment defendable experimentation, now it is widely used in many fields.

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当严重的伤害相比,警棍,一闷棍,甚至可以造成穿孔,这绝对是一个合乎逻辑和法院可防御的权衡。When compared to the serious injures a baton, a sap, or even a punch can inflict, this is definitely a logical and court defendable tradeoff.

还没有凡间的军队能垂涎挪威或瑞典的北部地带,那儿是理想的易守难攻之地。No mortal army could possibly dream of approaching Norway or Sweden's northern reaches, making the region an ideal set of easily defendable homelands.

产业和竞争对手以事实,过去和现在的数据作为基础分析得出了好的应对措施和防御性假设方案。Base each of these models on facts, past and present performance data, industry and competitor analyses and a series of well-thought-out, defendable assumptions.

经常检查你所制定的资本结构是否合适,在税法变化时是否仍能够很好地防护好你的资产。Maintenance procedures are needed to continually check that the structure you have put in place is defendable and works with the constant changes in tax and law.

本文分析了无线局域网嗅探技术基本原理,总结出了常规的无线网络嗅探的实现方法,最后提出了相应的防范策略。In this paper, the basic theory of technology of Sniffing in WLAN is analyzed , and the general realizable method of sniffing WLAN is obtained. At last, some defendable strategies are proposed.