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缚手缚脚的空旷。All vanishes into emptiness.

你凝望着的是何等的空虚!What emptiness do you gaze upon!

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你在充盈之前就安置了空洞。You put emptiness before fullness.

森罗万象终归坏,唯有真空才不灭。Only true emptiness will not perish.

我把它叫做“后极简主义的空虚”。I call it “post-minimalist emptiness.”

长期的空虚或者厌倦感。Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom.

如果色即是空,空即是色If form is emptiness and emptiness is form

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这就是虚无的无限了。There it was, the infinitude of emptiness.

空虚总是导致人们神经错乱。Emptiness always leads to human's insanity.

我还不能达到那种无感觉的空。I can't reach the emptiness that is touchless.

这里的空寂让我脊梁骨发凉。The emptiness here sent shivers down my spine.

密封的展示存在空虚的环绕。Canned presentations have the ring of emptiness.

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空性可以在不同层次上体验。Degrees of emptiness are experienced at many levels.

年复一年我从空无中拉出自己的存在。For years I pulled my own existence out of emptiness.

我之所以能理解你是因为你中有我,我中有你。If I am empty, the all I can give you is my emptiness.

而世俗唯物主义的虚无也是他的抨击目标。He criticised too the emptiness of secular materialism.

毕竟,杯子之用就在于其空无。After all, the usefulness of a cup is in it's emptiness.

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毕竟,杯子之用就在于其空无。After all, the usefulness of the cup is in it's emptiness.

又或者说,是雪人空虚的内部造就了他的完整。Or rather, it’s his very emptiness that makes him so full.

所有这些的,渺小,浅薄,空洞。The pettiness, the shallowness, the emptiness of all this.