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透明度是硬道理。Transparency is the clincher.

理论是灰色的,市场才是硬道理。Theory is the grey market clincher.

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接下来贝茨与马克•安德里森的会面才是重头戏。The clincher was Bates's meeting with Andreessen.

这既是个决定性因素,也解决了人们买车的后顾之忧。It's both a clincher and it overcomes reluctance' to buy.

有一些这样的争论,但没有一个是关键所在。There is something to such arguments, but none is a clincher.

这对牛顿来说是很有力的理由,但这就是前世生活的证据吗?That was the clincher for Newton. But was it proof a past life?

用厚纸夹在夹子与丝巾之间,衣夹就不会在丝巾上留下痕迹。Place between clincher and filar towel with pasteboard, clothes-pin won't leave a mark on filar towel.

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在祭坛四周发现的一排宅兆是让这个团队确信发现了教堂的关键。A row of graves found near the altar was the clincher that convinced his team that they had indeed found the fort's church.

公司本着“发展是硬道理”的精神,牢记“不进则退,无功即过”的哲学观。The company spirit of "development is the clincher" the spirit, keeping in mind the "falling behind, reactive or a" philosophy.

如果有人认为2008年让一切这些“预判”都见鬼了的话,星期天的匈牙利大奖赛就更是让人没了言语。If there was any doubt that the 2008 season has rendered such assumptions unwise, then Sunday's Hungarian Grand Prix was the clincher.

2002年当两个团队利用能够补偿大气模糊的自适应光学镜头锐化了他们的照片之后,最关键的时刻到来了。The clincher came in 2002, when both teams sharpened their images using adaptive optics, technology that compensates for the atmosphere's blur.

诸多分析师已纷纷揣测,美国经济料在第三季某时恢复增长,周一的数据表明这一时间或许就是8月.Many analysts have guessed that the U.S. economy will return to growth some time in the third quarter, and Monday's data suggested August may have been the clincher.

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由于氰氟草酯、ACID和DIACID在土壤环境中均分解较快,可以认为千金在环境中属非滞留性除草剂。Because of the rapid reaction in soil and eventual disappearance of XDE 537, ACID and DIACID, it was suggested that the herbicide Clincher is non persistent in the environment.

首先是在OT难以置信的战胜维拉,17岁的马切达在伤停补时阶段的绝杀帮助球队戏剧性的3-2险胜。It started with the incredible scenes at Old Trafford against Aston Villa, with 17-year-old debutant Federico Macheda grabbing an astonishing injury-time clincher in a dramatic 3-2 win.

卡塞尔在一段时间里连续拿下了两个三分,其中也包括紧张的最后27秒,快船队以总比分114-107战胜了太阳队,总比分扳为2-2。Cassell made two 3-pointers down the stretch, including the clincher with 27 seconds left, and the Los Angeles Clippers beat the Suns 114-107 on Sunday night to even the best-of-seven series 2-2.

“我们在金融危机前买下来,”学院副院长兼图书馆长赖瑞E.苏利文介绍,并称这笔收藏“如此的及时”他说,“麦克马斯特是那个事件里的关键。”“We bought it before the financial crisis, ” said Larry E. Sullivan, the school’s associate dean and chief librarian, calling the collection “oh so timely.” But, he said, “McMasters was the clincher.”