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灵魂注定是勇敢的?Does the soul destine brave?

你认为缘分是什么呢?What do you think of destine?

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我所注定的宿命。The predestination that I destine.

你注定不得好死!You destine no to die a natural death!

你注定不得好死!You destine not to die a natural death!

我说,有些人注定是无法忘记的。I say that some people destine to forget.

这都是先天注定的亲缘。This is all the inborn to destine relative.

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有些人是注定等待别人的。Some people destine to wait for other people.

亲爱的,我们注定要路过人间。My dear. we are. destine. to pass by. the world.

引入电力电缆,在预定长度剥开。Induct electric power cable, shell up the destine length.

死是人生的一部分,人注定是要死的。Died is the part of the life, somewhere all destine to do.

看来命运注定了我没有完美的世界。See come to destiny to destine me to have no perfect world.

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香烟爱上火柴,就注定被伤害。The cigarette falls in love with match, destine to be hurt.

因为没有星期8,所以我的幸福和星期8一样,我注定得不到。There is no week 8, so my happiness and week 8 similar, I destine to can not get.

成吉思汗没有灭掉它,这侥幸中也有注定。Genghis Khan didn't destroy it, this was by luck medium to have already destine as well.

走向技术主义,终将以失去更多利益为结果。Stepping into technologist will destine to end at the point of losing much more profits.

这样的情况注定我不会达到很高的目标,也不会成就什么事业。Such a situation destine I can't reach high goal very , what undertaking does it can't achieve either.

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太在乎细节的人生会忽略阳光,温暖和幸福。虽然有些事情是注定无法遗忘的。The lifewhichcaresadetail too will neglect sunlight, warm and happy. Although some affairs destine can't forget.

人生为了遇见哪些人注定要走哪条路,选择了哪条路也就注定要遇见哪些人。Life for meeting which persons destine and walk which road, choose which road also destine and meet which persons.

这三年以来,想她,念她的人,何止他大哥一个?可是他的爱,注定是要留下遗憾的!Over these three years, miss her, read her person, what is he an eldest brother?But his love, destine and leave sorry!