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意见领袖。One , opinion cacique.

把带头的酋长砸死。The lead of the cacique dead.

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于是,酋长遵守诺言,放了他们。Then, cacique abides by a promise, put them.

某些媒体称雷军为“精神领袖”出走。Certain media call Lei Jun " mental cacique " leave.

意见领袖可以引导和影响商业利益。Opinion cacique can guide and affect commercial interest.

在日前举行的中国IT领袖峰会,李彦宏这样说道。The China that held a few days ago IT cacique peak is met, li Yan grand such say.

酋长球场和它的“前任”海布里只有几百米的距离。Sea of cacique field and its " predecessor " has hundreds of meters space only in cloth.

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在所有这些事件中,看不到权威或者意见领袖存在的身影。Be in all in these incident, cannot see authority or the form that opinion cacique exists.

如果他不再是精神领袖,不再是CEO,他对于雅虎还会有什么影响力呢?If he is mental cacique no longer, it is CEO no longer, what force can he still have to Yahoo?

群主只是群所有者,不一定就是具有领袖气质的人。Group advocate just group possessory, decide even if do not have the person of cacique temperament.

自然形成的社区,民主的氛围导致意见领袖的产生。The community that forms naturally, democratic atmosphere brings about the generation of opinion cacique.

而上升到“精神领袖”,此人肯定是有过人品质,让所有人成服。And rise " mental cacique " , this person is to had had person quality for certain, let everybody become take.

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意见领袖与社区的王权之间一般没有直接的利益关系和依附关系。Concern without immediate increase commonly between the crown of opinion cacique and community and depend on relation.

据悉,两家网络公司都曾邀请这些领袖出席会议,共同测试和讨论新产品。It is reported, two networks company ever invited these cacique to attend the meeting, check jointly and discuss new product.

我们试想下,假如一个团队人人都是龙,但没有一个领袖是个什么情景,群龙无首啊,很可怕的。Below our just think, if everybody of a group is dragon, but neither one cacique is a what scene, a group without leader, very terrible.

当土著人把他们带到酋长面前,他们发现酋长居然是剑桥的毕业生,于是他们求他放过他们。Go to their belt when native before cacique, they discover cacique is Cantabrigian graduate unexpectedly, then they beg him to let off them.

他通晓资讯科技行业知识,治理经验丰富,是一名出色的领袖。Knowledge of industry of science and technology of information of his be proficient in, management is experienced, it is an outstanding cacique.

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杨门精神领袖佘太君心明如镜,洞察先机,率领一众媳妇武装自己。Cacique of Yang Men spirit Ming Rujing of She Taijun heart, have an insight into first machine, lead one numerous daughter-in-law to arm oneself.

想象一下有一系列的文章关于“我是怎样发现新世界的”,附带瓜那汉尼酋长和其夫人女儿的独家照片。Imagine a serialized article on "How I Discovered the New World, " with exclusive photographs of the wives and daughters of the Cacique of Guanahani.

我们高层的领袖看到网络的力量,假如借助网络加快民主政治的推进,是非常有用的。The cacique of our high level sees the strength of the network, if network of have the aid of accelerates the propulsion of democracy, it is very useful.