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使用你自己的信头。Use your own letterhead.

函件使用了看上去正式的世行信笺。Official-looking Bank letterhead was used.

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在有抬头的信里,日期往往只是很简单地由写信日期构成。On letterhead stationery, the dateline is simply made up of the date of writing.

所有材料均应以印有有关组织台头的信纸送往无烟草行动。All submissions should be sent to TFI using the interested organization's letterhead.

现举例说明使用看上去正式的世行信笺和签名的诈骗案件。Here's an example of such a scam using official-looking Bank letterhead and signature.

但是,不管这个人的名字是否出现在官方名单中,谁提供意见,难道不就是“顾问”吗?But someone who advises is an adviser, whether or not his name appears on a letterhead.

新德勒的搪瓷器具工厂位于南波兰的奎寇,这张名单上还有该工厂的信头。The list is on letterhead for Schindler's enamelware factory in Crakow, southern Poland.

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咱们只管即便分歧纰缪消费者做无谓之举,如使用花式信笺等。We try not to spend money on things that don't matter to customers, e. g. , fancy letterhead.

建议在纸箱内贴入寄件人及收件人地址和电话标签。Place a label or letterhead with sender's and recipidnt's addrdsses and phone numbersinside the psckage.

如果你有一个即将举行的事件想要去宣传,发布一个媒体报告在你小组的信头上。Send out a media advisory on your group’s letterhead if you have an upcoming event you wish to publicize.

信息来源说,这份文件没有中国证监会的抬头,没有明确显示是哪个部门出具的。The document is not on CSRC letterhead and does not clearly indicate where it was directed, said the sources.

在你的信纸的信头没有必要展示一个艺术杰作,清楚的,记忆深刻的就足够了。You don’t need an artistic masterpiece on your letterhead when the solution is as brilliantly clear and memorable as this.

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董事会主席一打开信封,看到有外交部抬头的信纸,就被说服了。The Chairman of the Board is convinced even as he opens the envelope and sees the letterhead of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

不要过多的把时间花费在你的信笺抬头设计,和为你的信封和信件选择特别的信纸上面。Don't over-design this little package! Don't spend hours working on your letterhead and picking special papers for your envelopes and letters.

申请人父母各自的雇主使用印有公司抬头信笺出具的雇佣证明信原件,注明父亲或母亲的职务、收入和起聘日期。Signed original parental employment letters issued by the employer on company letterhead indicating position, salary and date of hire of parents.

通过邮局向所有正常缴存住房公积金单位寄送调查问卷同时附有回复信笺。Through the post office to deposit all the normal housing provident fund units sent replies to the questionnaire at the same time with letterhead.

此信必须使用公司抬头的纸并须包含中文注明的雇主名称,地址,电话及传真。This letter must be on letterhead paper and must include your employer's name and address in Chinese characters, as well as telephone and fax number.

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给技术移民的固定工作申请需要提交给HRSDC,此申请必须写在带有公司名称的信笺上,并由负责雇用员工的人签字。The offer of permanent employment to the Skilled Worker must be submitted to HRSDC on company letterhead signed by the person responsible for hiring employees.

为自己的企业决定一个好的名称,以及聘请专业人士设计更为生动的标志,并同时设计好名片、信笺和信封。Decide upon a business name and get a professionally designed logo to bring the name to life. Also have your business card, letterhead and envelope designed at the same time.

据我们了解,诈骗者目前越来越多地使用设计精美的表格和信笺来发送看上去合法的世行集团正式函件,一些诈骗者使用了世行名义。We've seen increased use of sophisticated forms and letterhead to send what appears to be legitimate World Bank Group correspondence, as well as several schemes that reference the Bank.