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他明白疯狂的人们的行事方式。He understands the ways of the bonkers.

明显地,华盛顿已得了"恐怖主义的疯狂症"。Washington has clearly gone terrorism bonkers.

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卡尔一旦努力工作起来,有时就有点疯狂。If Cal works too hard, he sometimes goes slightly bonkers.

小行星采矿这想法听似疯狂,但行得通吗?Mining metals from asteroids seems a bonkers idea. But could it work?

疯狂高尔夫是经典的2D百战天虫和幽默的十八洞狂欢的疯狂结合。Worms Crazy Golf is a brazenly bonkers mixture of classic 2D Worms and hilarious eighteen-hole high jinks.

而且如果,很有可能会是这样,这支出色的切尔西队获胜了,别期待这个世界会变得神经错乱。And if, as we fully expect, this remarkable Chelsea team wins, dont expect the world to turn bonkers afterwards.

埃芬迪告诉我说,“普什图人可以行为高雅,也可以为非作歹,他们会做各种各样背信弃义的事,甚至欺师灭祖,但一谈到庇护,他们就狂热无比,就好象这是一个神圣无比的使命一样。”They'll do all sorts of treacherous things—even betray their fathers. But they're bonkers when it comes to giving sanctuary.

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神威—太湖之光是世界是最快的超级计算机,但是它的单核性能非常垃圾,实际使用中没有缓存暂存的设计是相当疯狂的。The Sunway TaihuLight is the 'fastest supercomputer in the world' but its per-core performance is shit and that no-cache scratchpad design is pretty bonkers to actually use.

随着这些问题越来越多,这足以让一个人精神崩溃,另外,单身意味着你将不必担心经历令人心碎的分手。It’s enough to make a person go bonkers with all these thoughts running rampant. In addition, being single means that you won’t have to worry about going through a heart-wrenching breakup.

也许我稍微疯狂,但我很高兴为宋和德尼尔森,我也会感到很失望,如果温格屈服于任何买防守型中场球员压力,因为他有两个了。Perhaps I am slightly bonkers but I am excited about Song and Denilson and I would be disappointed if Wenger succumbed to any pressure to buy a defensive midfield player because he has two already.