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该操作过程相当简单。The process is remarkably simple.

但我错了,它的速度飞快。I was wrong. It’s remarkably fast.

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你今天看起来明显是修了边幅了。You're looking remarkably groomed today.

在爱情上她的头脑非常冷静。She's remarkably levelheaded about the love.

这真是一首特别感人的诗。This is really moving poetry, remarkably so.

在画布上的画笔可以出乎意外地使人感到安慰。A brush on canvas can be remarkably soothing.

戈薇也是一位足智多谋的女孩。Kagome is also a remarkably resourceful girl.

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出口挡板对MRT的影响是非常显著的。The impact of outlet dam to MRT is remarkably.

马克思的生平有极翔实可靠的文献作证。The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.

人们明显地忠于他们的身份。People were remarkably loyal to their identities.

显著多汁液看灰色的眼睛在她微笑。Remarkably sappy looking gray eyes smiled at her.

南非宪法是非常赞成同性恋的。South Africa's constitution is remarkably pro-gay.

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潜艇发射的导弹相当的准确。Submarine-launched missiles are remarkably accurate.

这些钟自己起动,非常可靠。The clocks are self-starting and remarkably reliable.

科技发展的历史突飞猛进。The wheel of technology history turns remarkably fast.

著于品质,卓于创新!Famously in quality, Remarkably lies in the innovation!

他们这个赛季的困境惊人的相似。Their plights this season have been remarkably similar.

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接近空转威龙,它的显着文明。Approaching the idling Veyron it's remarkably civilised.

匈牙利语学校教的斯洛伐克语一塌糊涂。Hungarian-language schools teach Slovak remarkably badly.

显然,汤是健康食品,不贵,而且烹饪简单。Soup is remarkably healthy, inexpensive and easy to make.