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“是的,我也疲倦了。”罗斯托夫说。"Yes, I'm tired too, " said Rostov.

斯托夫和伊林心情十分愉快。Rostov and Ilyin were in the liveliest spirits.

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当罗斯托夫谈论此事的时候,杰尼索夫不听他说话。When Rostov talked of it, Denisov did not listen.

1994年2月14日奇卡缇洛在罗斯托夫被处死。Chikatilo was executed in Rostov on February 14, 1994.

罗斯托夫面红耳赤,把多洛霍夫喊到另一间房里。Rostov flushing hotly drew Dolohov away into the other room.

罗斯托夫伸出一双手,托住了头发,几乎喊了一声。Rostov almost screamed, putting both his hands up to his hair.

安德烈公爵宣布,他和罗斯托娃订婚了。He informed his sister of his engagement to the younger Rostov.

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这里有我的保护人,罗斯托娃她还很年轻,去邀请她吧。”他说。Here is my protégée, the younger Rostov girl, ask her, " he said."

多洛霍夫凭大牌盖过了小牌,即是说接连赢了罗斯托夫十张牌。Dolohov "killed, " that is, beat ten cards in succession from Rostov.

罗斯托夫和伊林迎着一阵欢快的惊叫和笑声,走进了屋子。Rostov and Ilyin entered the room, welcomed with merry shouts and laughter.

只是在他走出去以后,罗斯托夫才想到他要向他回答什么话。Rostov only bethought him of what he ought to have answered when he had gone.

这时分罗斯托夫回想起他和多洛霍夫的一次奇怪的谈话。Rostov recalled at that instant a strange conversation he once had with Dolohov.

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罗斯托夫茫然地望着而且听着他面前和四周发生的情况。Rostov gazed vacantly and listened to what was passing before him and around him.

罗斯托夫奉命在普拉茨村附近寻找库图佐夫和国王。NEAR THE VILLAGE of Pratzen Rostov had been told to look for Kutuzov and the Emperor.

罗斯托夫用手摸了摸马脖子,然后摸了摸马屁股,便在台阶上停步了。Rostov stroked the horse on the neck and then on the haunch, and lingered on the steps.

一月底,伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵偕同娜塔莎、索尼娅抵达莫斯科。COUNT ILYA ANDREITCH ROSTOV arrived in Moscow towards the end of January with Natasha and Sonya.

罗斯托夫向他说明,他想探视住在这里的骠骑兵少校杰尼索夫。Rostov explained that he wanted to see Major Denisov of the hussars, who was lying wounded here.

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“你们罗斯托夫家族都有这样的傻劲。”他说,罗斯托夫发觉杰尼索夫的眼睛里噙满着泪水。"What a jolly lot of fools all you Rostovs are, " he said, and Rostov saw tears in Denisov's eyes.

士官生尼古拉·罗斯托夫服役的骑兵连在德国村庄扎尔策涅克设营。The squadron in which Nikolay Rostov was serving as ensign was billeted on a German village, Salzeneck.

多洛霍夫那冷淡而明亮的目光投射到站在门旁的罗斯托夫身上,仿佛他老早就在等候他似的。Dolohov's clear, cold glance met Rostov in the doorway as though he had been expecting him a long while.