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柳州正式建制于西汉王朝,距今已有2100多年的历史。Liuzhou was set up in the West Han Dynast over 2,100 years ago.

第二部分概述先秦时期的同性恋文学书写。Chapter two summarizes the homosexual literature in the Qin Dynast.

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西周是中国舞蹈发展史上的第一个高峰。The development of China's dance got to the first peak in the Western Zhou Dynast.

与澳大利亚等英联邦国家一样,虽然是象征性的,其国家最高元首仍是英国女皇。Like the country of the British Commonwealth such as Australia, although be symbolistic, its nation is top dynast still is British empress.

宋末元初江西词人群体是一个非常著名的词人群体。Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community is one of most famous Ci-Poetry Communities between the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and the ending of Song Dynast.

明代是中国武术全面发展的时期。许多高官和武术大师就武术撰书立说。The ming dynast saw the all-round development of chinese martial art s. many high-ranking officers and wushu masters wrote treatises and books on wushu.

明代是中国武术全面发展的时期。许多高官和武术大师就武术撰书立说。The ming dynast saw the all-round development of chinese martial arts . many high-ranking officers and wushu masters wrote treatises and books on wushu.

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这个非洲国家曾一度为奴隶贩卖蹂躏,因此布什看似完美的见解略胜一筹。Said by a white Tex an dynast in Gh ana, an Afric an country once ravaged by the slave trade, that unexceptionable insight might sound a shade patronising.

享有盛名的杰出唐代诗人王之涣在他的四行诗“登鹳雀楼”使鹳雀楼成为中国四大名塔之一。This household four-line poem named "stepping upon the stork tower" a masterpiece of renowned Tong Dynast poet WangZihuan has made the stork tower one of China four famous towers.

顺治年间,面临统一全国的战争形势,清沿袭明朝的做法,在西北继续推行茶马互市。The beginning of the Qing Dynasty, facing the situation of war unify whole country, Qing Dynast continue to implemented the tea-horse trade in North west area following the rule of the Ming Dynasty.