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皮肤和核心温度都作用于体温调节中枢。Both skin and core temperatures contribute to thermoregulation.

当人体过热时,下丘脑前部可提供温度调节作用。The anterior hypothalamus provides thermoregulation when the body is too hot.

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这种现象称作行为热调节或温度偏爱。This phenomenon was termed behavioral thermoregulation or temperature preference.

近年来,肝脏在体温调节方面的作用日益受到重视。Effect of liver on thermoregulation is increasingly attached importance in recent years.

采用微胶囊纳米技术开发智能调温毛织物。This article discusses the development of nanometer intellectualized thermoregulation wool fabric.

自动调温纺织品现在运动服装面料领域已成为热点研究方向。The thermoregulation textiles development has become the most popular focus in the sport garments field.

温度调节和水平衡调节的损害容易导致的血容量和低体温。Impairments in thermoregulation and water balance increase vulnerability for hypovolemia and hypothermia.

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还可以进行菜单治理,例如内存检查、温度调节、闹钟提醒等等。Still can have menu government, for example memory examination, thermoregulation , alarm clock reminds etc.

此外,还进行了有关振动对人体热调节影响的热生理实验研究。In addition, the experimental research on the physiological effects on human thermoregulation system are carried out.

第三,光波浴房有着更方便的温度调节和控制装置,比桑拿房更节能。The 3rd, light-wave bath house is having more convenient thermoregulation and control equipment, more energy-saving than sauna room.

阿片受体参与包括体温调节在内的大量中枢神经系统的生理调节。Opioid receptors are involved in the physiological control of numerous functions of the central nervous system, including thermoregulation.

阐明了为保证航天员健康和安全研究航天中人体热调节的必要性。With these considerations, it is necessary to further investigate the thermoregulation in spaceflight for the health and safety of astronauts.

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分析了相变材料微胶囊处理后的毛织物的智能调温作用机理,建立了智能调温毛织物的理想吸热模型。The intellectualized thermoregulation principle of wool fabric finished by nano-microcapsule is analyzed. The ideal heat-absorbing model is built.

本文提出了一种新的液冷式个体热调节二维体温调节数学模型。In this paper, a new two-dimensional mathematical model of human thermoregulation for personal thermal conditioning with water cooling is developed.

理论分析和试验结果证实了这种加热电阻的可行性及其温度自动调节功能。The feasibility of the heater and the automatic thermoregulation function are already verified by the theoretical analysis and the experimental result.

麻醉和手术过程中,中枢神经的体温调节功能受到干扰,多种因素影响人体热平衡,形成了围术期常见的低体温。Hypothermia is common in perioperative period because the central thermoregulation is disarranged and body heat balance is interfered with many factors.

以上结果说明,北草蜥生理调温能力较弱,行为热调节是其体温调节的主要方式。These results indicated that T. septentrionalis was found with low thermoregulation ability, and it regulated its body temperature using behavioral adjustment.

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两栖类和爬行类属于变温脊椎动物,它对外界环境温度的变化非常敏感,借助自身体温调节以适应或抵抗这种变化。Amphibians and reptiles are poikilothermic and quite sensitive to the change of ambient temperature. They adapt to environmental temperature by means of self- thermoregulation.

在确定的制冷量基础上,采用PID控制策略来控制蒸发器风扇的转速,从而实现驾驶室内的温度调节。Based on the known refrigerating output, the thermoregulation of the operator cabin is realized through adapting PID control strategy controlling the rotating speed of the evaporator fan.

但就爬行动物体温调节的生理机制,特别是体温调节的中枢机制和心血管系统调节机制只有少量的报道。However, only a few attempts have been made to elucidate the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation in reptiles, particularly in the central nerve system and cardiovascular regulation.