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她是一名卫生员。She is a medical orderly.

军士麦考夫是我的传令兵。Sergeant mckeogh was my orderly.

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同样也会使论坛更有秩序化。The Forum will also of a more orderly.

书整齐有序地排列在书架上。The books are in orderly rows on shelves.

她把信堆成整齐的三堆。She put the letters in three orderly piles.

每个将军都配有一个勤务兵。Every general was accompanied by an orderly.

将军的传令兵传送了这一消息。The general's orderly delivered the message.

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四百余条街整饬。There are over four hundred orderly streets.

书整齐有序地排列在书架上。The books are in orderly rows on the shelves.

再往里面走,是位于或老年宫。Then go inside is located and orderly palace.

阿斯塔纳干净整洁,秩序井然,超凡脱俗。Astana is clean, orderly and seemingly sedated.

上车后还有许多空座位,大家都有序的坐下了。Get many empty seat, everyone orderly and sit down.

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他条理分明地回答了老师的问题。He gave an orderly answer to the teacher's question.

劈好的干柴整齐地码在柴垛上。He placed the chopped wood orderly on the woodstack.

我将带你们离开这儿,到一个有序的时尚学科去。And we will get you out of here in an orderly fashion.

玉帝的规则是井然有序,不会反复无常的。The Jade Emperor's rule is orderly and without caprice.

档案橱柜不仅,使摆放更为整齐,还提高了效率。The filing cabinet was much more orderly and effective.

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Thin表示,"只是希望确保市场能够保持秩序井然."They just want to make sure the market remains orderly.

这样老板会认为你守纪律,有责任感。Your boss will believe you are orderly and responsible.

医生、护士、护理员的职责是什么?What is the duty of a doctor, of a nurse, of an orderly?