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那些建议是否不受欢迎?Are they undesirable?

我会如此不良的吗?Was I so undesirable?

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军事干涉极不相宜。Military intervention is highly undesirable.

选择榜样“从一而终”不可取。Choose a model, "single-mindedness" undesirable.

这个商人销掉了一大批劣货。The merchant worked off an undesirable lot of goods.

不良倾向一冒尖儿就不要放过它。We should rectify the undesirable tendencies in time.

他们是雇员中的不良分子。They are the undesirable elements among the employees.

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和他们的前列腺组织萎缩,造成不良的副作用。And their prostates shrank, an undesirable side effect.

这对于查询的优化有着不良的影响。This will have an undesirable effect on query optimization.

记住,你可以除去任何你发现令你讨厌的东西。Remember that you can expunge anything you find undesirable.

组织已给不良分子作怪了。The organization has been destroyed by undesirable elements.

星的山成了一个渺茫的梦。The star-filled mountain disappeared like an undesirable dream.

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超重软件是爬行特征主义造成的不理想的结果之一。Fatware is one of the undesirable results of creeping featurism.

这些可能是不可取的,一定水质要求。These may be undesirable for certain water-quality requirements.

盲目崇拜西医或者避之莫远皆不可取。To worship or evade the western medicine blindly is undesirable.

没有固化干燥的烟草叶将是不可取的。Tobacco leaves that are dried without curing will be undesirable.

这样的话,整个搜索器不会因为一个条目而失败。It's undesirable for an entire finder to fail because of one item.

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究其根源,主要是主体意识的恶性膨胀。The cause lies in the undesirable extension of subject consciousness.

这一切并不意味著资本积累是不值得希求的。All this does not mean that the accumulation of capital is undesirable.

他将提及有关禁止不受欢迎的移民入境的法律。He will mention the relevant laws that fence out undesirable immigrants.