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像“升级游戏”,但它的凝固汽油弹。Like "escalation games, " but it's napalm.

直接升级点是竹篙周。Your direct escalation point is Penny Zhou.

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从页面级锁升级到表级锁Locking escalation to page-level or table-level locking

正是如此才避免了灾害的扩大。That is how the escalation of the disaster was averted.

今年八月,普京似乎预测这类事件的升级。In August, Putin seemed to predict this kind of escalation.

这表明联合国在科特迪瓦任务的升级。This marks an escalation for the UN mission in Ivory Coast.

但是,本月局势的突然爆发还是使得大部分巴林人感到震惊。But this month's sudden escalation surprised most Bahrainis.

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如果锁列表用完了空间,那么也会发生锁升级。Lock escalation also occurs if the lock list runs out of space.

他显然被刚才目击的一切所震惊了。He was clearly shell-shocked by the escalation he had witnessed.

适当的公平准确的说是为包庇这些权利扩大化而设计出来的。Proper justice is designed precisely to outflank such escalation.

中国应该停止升级在南海上的事端。China should stop escalation of discontentment on South China Sea.

这次冲突很大程度上扩大了这次反政府骚乱。The clashes marked a major escalation in the anti-government unrest.

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管理咨询和升级情况的电话和信箱。To manage enquiries and escalation cases on the phone and from mailboxes.

用户还可以针对一个警报定义一个不断升级的应答序列。Users can also define an escalation sequence of responses to a fired alert.

日方挑起事端,又错上加错,导致事态进一步升级。provoked the situation and doubled its mistakes, causing further escalation.

其次,派遣军事顾问的人数总是有增加的趋势。Second, the deployment of military advisers always entails the risk of escalation.

如果任务按照预期的方式进行,会将升级作为多余的内容取消。If the task has progressed as expected, the escalation is cancelled as superfluous.

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阿克萨烈士旅威胁要进行报复,增加了暴力升级的可能。The Al-Aqsa Brigade threatened revenge, raising the specter of an escalation of violence.

提高剂量可望提高局部控制率和生存率。Dose escalation ha the promise of increased local-regional tumor control and survival rate.

它提供了封装下属和经理之间的升级流程的能力。It provides the ability to encapsulate the escalation process between subordinates and managers.