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一字不差,字字为实。A truer word was never spoken.

相比起美国,日本的承诺甚至更靠谱一些。This was even truer of Japan than the US.

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现在我比以前更相信这一点。Today I believe that to be truer than ever.

我这一生还从未听过比这更为真实的预言。Never in my life have I heard a truer prophecy.

没有什么比卫星技术更能实现这种情况。This is never truer than for satellite technology.

一个比圣经里大卫杀死巨人还要真实的故事。A David-and-Goliath story truer than the Bible itself.

如果你把指关节贴在地面上打弹子,就会打得更准些。You'll shoot in a truer straight line if you knuckle down.

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我建议你用另外一种更真实的方式向他们陈述这件事。I suggest that you present it to them in a different, truer light.

如今的世界,比以前更加信奉“有钱能使鬼推磨”这一真理。It is truer now than ever before that ‘money makes the world go round’.

色彩是设计的精髓所在,在海报设计中尤为如此。The color is the essence of design, and this is even truer in poster design.

从我自己的真理来说,我发现有些事物比其它事物更加真实。Speaking from the vantage point of my own truth, I find some things are truer than others.

如果股市继续上涨,我们可能永远无法知道哪种解释更加接近事实。If the stock market continues to spiral higher, we may never learn which explanation is truer.

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酒店在谷中种了禾稻,有更真实回归田园居住的感觉!The hotel was planted in cereal standing grain paddy, have truer regression rural living feeling!

砂轮修正器金刚笔笔尖的正负偏离也会引起修形砂轮的轮廓变形。The shape of grinding wheel truing was also influenced by the biased error of grinding wheel truer.

创造力曾一度是不二法门,而在我们这个时间缺乏的文化中更是如此。Creativity has always been the coin of the realm, but in our time-starved culture it's truer than ever.

同时中国也许比其他国家更需要弗洛伊德精神分析理论的发扬光大。It may also be that Freudian psychoanalysis and theory rings truer in China than in some other countries.

而部分灵魂看见这梦想期间跟他们是真实那样更加真实的实相,就好像其他别的东西在矩阵里那样。And some will see this dreamtime as the truer reality as for it is as real as anything else within the matrix.

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“万变不离其宗”,可能不适用于我们的医疗保健系统。"The more things change, the more they stay the same. " This couldn't be truer of our health care delivery system.

本文中,专业人员将向您提供了一些小技巧,帮助您找到最完美的色彩,并且能够保持较长时间和较真实的色彩,绝不会失误。Here, pro tips for choosing your perfect hair color —and a no-fail strategy for making it last longer and stay truer.

它使心灵更易于接受由我们的“神性”保有的,更真实的一体慧见。It establishes a state of mind that is more susceptible to accepting the truer Vision of oneness held by our God Self.