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可怜的亚历克斯和苏。Poor Alex and Sue.

哈罗,我是苏。Hello, this is Sue.

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苏带着疲倦,遵命拉起窗帘。Wearily Sue obeyed.

总统控告德克尔。President Sue Decker.

这是我的太太,苏。This is my wife, Sue.

给苏看看那些女衬衫。Show Sue those blouses.

正在这时,苏切来了。Just then, Sue cut here.

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她问我敢不敢去控告她。She dared me to sue her.

“快睡吧,”苏说。Try to sleep," said Sue.

我可以控告你进行诬陷。I can sue you for slander.

我喜欢别人叫我小苏。I'd like to be called Sue.

舒你也想去吗?Do you want to go too, Sue?

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这是我的新朋友苏。This is my new friend, Sue.

我好想念亚历克斯和苏!I miss Alex and Sue so much!

顺便一提,你打电话给苏了吗?By the way, did you call Sue?

你好,我是楼上收款台的苏。Hi, it's Sue at the upstairs.

你应该控告那个不要脸的混蛋。You ought to sue the bastard.

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我、温娣和苏绮合住一套房。I share it with Wendy and Sue.

苏阿姨是个非常热心的人。Aunt Sue is a very warm person.

桑迪和苏也挤进了人群。Sandy and Sue joined the crowd.