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博比向家中跑去。Bobby ran toward the house.

芭比和史努比怎么样啦?How are Bobby and Snooky doing?

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比利和波比都是小孩子。Billy and Bobby were small boys.

老友记,看'让我们杀死鲍比Z均!Buddy, watch 'Let's kill Bobby Z'!

问他芭比和史努比怎么样?Ask how Bobby and Snooky are doing.

——鲍比海斯,德克萨斯彩票中心发言人Bobby Heith, spokesman, Texas Lottery

看!雅各是学校升旗手。Look! Bobby is hoisting the school flag.

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博比望着她腼腆地咧嘴一笑。Bobby looked at her with a sheepish grin.

还是孩子的时候,鲍比·琼斯就是高尔夫球场上的天才。As a child, Bobby Jones was a golf prodigy.

我想再跟鲍比谈一次怎么样了?。I tried to talk to Bobby again. How did it go?

别偷懒,博比。快,立刻赶上去!Don't dawdle, Bobby. Come on, catch up at once!

Zoller建议MAC以及芭比布朗的化妆品。Zoller recommends MAC and Bobby Brown cosmetics.

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他决定收回辞呈,并且向博比学习。He decided not to resign but to learn from Bobby.

哦,别担。意总。,道鲍,应该点把花瓶起。Bobby was coming. I should have put that vase away.

有什么地方是你担心的吗,鲍比你说Are there any features that you'd worry about? Bobby?

正所谓,初生牛犊不怕虎嘛。The saying is that a bobby calf doesn't fear a tiger.

博比慢慢地抬手把硬币递过去。Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime.

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现在,波比是皇帝。他正在穿他的“新装”。Now Bobby is the king. He is wearing his "new clothes".

楚迪和巴比走在超市的通道上。Trudy and Bobby are walking down the supermarket aisle.

波比和他的妻子伊芙琳就要生孩子了。Bobby and his wife, Evelyn , are going to have a baby soon.