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我站在金色的麦田中。I standed in the rye.

你知道柳承敏吗?Do you know Rye Seung-min?

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再,它是金枪鱼和裸麦面包。Again, it is tuna and rye bread.

黑麦酒和波旁酒是两种威士忌酒。Rye and bourbon are examples of whiskeys.

小兵做自动化行业的守望者。Xiaobing automation industry to do the Rye.

唱一支六便士之歌,满口袋的黑麦。Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye.

唱六便士之歌,口袋里装满了稞麦饼。Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye.

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这是一种美国黑麦威士忌。Old Overholt is an American straight rye whiskey.

我想要鸡肉色拉黑面包三明治。I'll have the chicken salad sandwich on rye bread.

其他州的货币与黑麦价格挂钩。Others issued currencies linked to the price of rye.

黑面包是最重要的食品。Rye bread is the most significant Russian food product.

他父亲把一袋袋发霉的黑面包倒进大桶里。His father emptied sacks of stale rye bread into the vat.

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绵长的大麦与黑麦田伸延在河岸两旁。On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye.

我点了稞麦面包夹熏牛肉,加了芥末和泡菜。I had a pastrami on rye with a bit of mustard and some pickles.

单单一颗黑麦植物的根可以蔓延至地下400英里。A single rye plant can spread up to 400 miles of roots underground.

最后,论文对黑麦麸皮生粉乳酸发酵进行了研究。The fermentation of lactic acid by rye bran flour was studied here.

我整天就干那种事,就当个麦田里的守望者得了。That's all i'd all day . i'd just be the catcher in the rye and all.

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你也有,如果你不介意,黑麦面包的一块的施皮茨?Do you have also, if you don't mind, a piece of rye bread—the spitz ?

我们有硬包、软包和麦包,请问您喜欢哪种呢?We have hard roll, soft roll and rye bread. Which one would you like?

我要烤黑面包夹火腿、乳酪、莴苣,涂上些芥茉和美乃滋。I'd like ham, cheese and lettuce, and lettuce on toasted rye bread with '.