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这是纯粹的胡扯。This is total unadulterated bullcrap.

现在,迎接我的是纯粹完全的欢乐。Now, I’m greeted by pure, unadulterated joy.

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这是冰岛的另一块纯天然的地带。Another slice of unadulterated nature in Iceland.

“过度诊断会造成纯粹、十足的伤害,”他说。“Overdiagnosis is pure, unadulterated harm, ” he said.

因为在那座屋子里的绝对肯定就是鬼。For whatever exists in those rooms is pure, unadulterated devil.

形成了以实验和一种纯正的自由感去尝试所有可能性。Allows for experimentation and unadulterated freedom to try anything out.

你是否曾经认为传言中的PSP-3000只是单纯的胡言乱语?Did you think that the rumored PSP-3000 model was pure, unadulterated bunk?

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我们坚持我们的教导的纯粹与纯正,以此见证“一律”。This is how we serve the Law of One- by keeping our Teachings pure and unadulterated.

它只是需要一些校准使房子的另一个纯粹的成功。It just needed some recalibration to make it another unadulterated success for the house.

我们无聊的源头也提供了稳定的舒适感。The very source of our boredom also provides a solid foundation of unadulterated comfort.

在简称美洲勒芒网格计算代表纯洁、纯粹驾驶乐趣。In the 911 model range, the abbreviation GT3 stands for pure, unadulterated driving pleasure.

很少有事情会让人只因为生气而砸坏贵重的电子产品。Few things can drive a person to smash expensive electronics in a fit of pure and unadulterated rage.

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但是,西班牙语并非保持在某种纯正、没有搀杂的状态,而是为了适应新挑战不断地变化。But it doesn’t exist in a pure, unadulterated state. Instead, it is in constant flux, adapting to new challenges.

食品原材料专家Jessica?Fenton表示,黑巧克力健康但又不发胖的关键在于纯正的可可豆荚。Raw-food expert and nutritionist Jessica Fenton says the answer lies in the unadulterated beans of the cacao pod.

这是挪威一个很受欢迎的旅游景点,其卖点就在于悠然自得中尽享至纯至真的自然之美。A popular tourist attraction in Norway, this is all about exploring unadulterated beauty of nature at a leisurely pace.

这真是差距,勤奋的普通人,比如我,和天才,浑然天成的天才,比如肖邦,之间的差距It's really the difference between perseverance in my case, and genius-- pure, unadulterated genius-- in the case of Chopin.

并且,为使水有效的地达到其对身体的应有作用,必须保证水是纯净物无杂质的。Again, in order for water to be effective and to do its intended job function in the body, it must be pure and unadulterated.

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后现代主义依然健在,不只是以纯粹的形式,还有与其他种叙事体迷人的混合。Postmodernism is still with us, both in its unadulterated form, and in fascinating combinations with other modes of narration.

想象一下没有约束的生活,完全自由地让你内心最深处的心灵时时刻刻展示其本性!Imagine living with no limitations, and having pure unadulterated liberty to allow your inner most soul uncover itself moment by moment!

但我们目睹这一幕纯粹、纯真、不掺一点杂质、无条件的爱时,心不禁一颤,身上开始起鸡皮疙瘩。Our hearts skip a beat, we get goose pimples and we get teary eyed when we witness an act of sheer love, pure, unadulterated and unconditional.