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还有军阀主义残余。There were also remnants of militarism.

第三部分论述了西魏北周的军国主义特色。Section three expounds the militarism of Northern Zhou.

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他认为战役者是日本自身军国主义的受害者。He sees the war dead as victims of Japan's own militarism.

日本自1868年的明治维新以后,走上军国主义的不归路。Japan took the road to militarism after the Meiji Reformation in1868.

日本军国主义曾经给人类带来惨绝人寰的灾难。Japanese militarism once caused the very grave disaster to Asian people.

首先,日本军国主义思想的核心是侵略扩张思想。First, the central concept of Japanese militarism ideology is the aggression ideology.

在这部作品中,夏目漱石用禅宗的历史观对军国主义、民族主义和国家主义进行了批判。In his writing, The writer criticized to militarism and nationalism from the view of Zen.

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因此,战祸应该归咎于德国军国主义及其领导人。The guilt for the war, therefore, rests at the door of German militarism and its leaders.

亚当斯的和平主义观点曾激怒了亲眼目睹过德国军国主义的罗斯福。Addams’s pacifism incensed Roosevelt, who had seen the face of German militarism up close.

日本军国主义已经成为中日两国关系发展中的桎梏。The Japanese militarism has become the shackle of the relationship between China and Japan.

与中国的反日情绪和行为有关的,是日本军国主义在过去的所作所为。And the Chinese anti-Japanese sentiments and acts, is Japan's militarism in the past has done.

德国军国主义的刀光剑影跃然纸上,又是“戴着护盔的拳”,又是“闪亮的护身甲”。They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour.

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随著日本发动侵华战争步上军国主义的道路,其文化也走向倒退。As Japan took the route of militarism , its culture began to retrogress the writers degenerated.

本文阐述了蔡锷在呼唤军国民教育中所起的历史作用。The author elaborated the historical function of Cai E in promoting militarism education in this study.

长期的分裂,分争历史,使德国的历史充满了浓厚的封建军国主义。Long-term split between sub-history, so that Germany's history is replete with strong feudal militarism.

这些问题激起了中国的怒火,一如既往地指责日本军国主义复活。Both issues have roused Beijing's ire, producing the usual accusations of `resurgent Japanese militarism.

这些足见日本法西斯军国主义的狼子野心和颠倒是非。All these indicate the wild ambition of Japanese Fascist militarism arid the confusion of right and wrong.

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如果这些这些男人走军国主义,甚至是帝国主义道路,请不要感到吃惊。Don’t be surprised if, in the next generation, it takes the form of macho militarism and even imperialism.

日本军国主义者殖民台湾原住民族的历史真相,远不仅止于此。The crimes of Japanese militarism in subjugating Taiwan's Aborigines were by no means confined to the above.

民族主义,在我看来,不过是把军国主义和侵略冠冕堂皇地合理化罢了。Nationalism, on my opinion, is nothing more than an idealistic rationalization for militarism and aggression.