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这一历史过程表现为一个三段式的运动。This historical course assumes a syllogistic movement.

这种推论的形式,是一切事物的普遍形式。The syllogistic form is a universal form of all things.

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将论证以正确的三段论形式呈现,最容易发现谬误和误导的逻辑论证。Fallacious and misleading arguments are most easily detected if set out in correct syllogistic form.

希钦斯从此以后开始用科学的名义来讥讽宗教界诡辩的理由。Mr Hitchens has been skewering the syllogistic arguments of the religious in the name of science ever since.

这两组儿童假言推理能力的差异可能跟智能水平有关。The ability of syllogistic reasoning correlated with the mathematical achievement and the levels of intelligence.

团队终于走出了过去“三段论”的活动模式,不在只是短片加领导讲话加活动仪式了。Our team finally broke through the traditional syllogistic form of activities, it was no more a short film and speech and ceremony.

最后分析了该形式系统和亚里士多德纯必然三段论系统的关系。The relationship between the system and Aristotle's purely apodeictic syllogistic system is analysized in the last part of this thesis.

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再次,丹纳的三段式纯客观批评法曾被茅盾用以校正中国传统主观文学批评观。Third, Taine's syllogistic pure objective critique once was utilized by Mao Dun to revise Chinese traditional subjective literary criticism.

它原始的地质地貌,承载着几亿年的地球演绎史,是不可再生的稀缺资源。Its original geological feature experiences the earth's syllogistic history of a few hundred million years. It is exiguous non-renewable resources.

在符号逻辑的研究中,她引入反逻辑法,使得对演绎的测试变得更容易,而将三段论法的推理简化为「前后矛盾的三分法」。In symbolic logic, she reduced syllogistic reasoning to an inconsistent triad with the introduction of the antilogism, a form that made the testing of deductions easier.

对于仅作三段式推论的思想家来说,这种出发点似乎是坚实的基础,并始终保持在经验的范围内。The merely syllogistic thinker may deem this starting-point a solid basis and suppose that it remains throughout in the same empirical light, left at last as it was at the first.