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我咩咩叫。I say "baa."

它是咩咩叫还是哞哞叫?Does it baa or moo?

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到处都是咩咩声。Everywhere a baa baa.

我供给羊毛。我咩咩叫。I give wool. I say "baa. ""

绵羊咩咩叫,咩咩咩咩咩咩。The sheep goes baa, baa baa baa.

饮蜂蜜有咩好处?。Does drink honey have baa profit?

最近有咩新歌好听牙?。Is there baa new song recently Orphean tooth?

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判断下一下病征系咩病?。Is the diagnostic below judgement baa disease?

咩野食物含有大量噶维生素D?。Does baa wild food contain D of many Ga vitamin?

在阿里巴巴的农场里,小羊羔咩咩叫。"Baa, Baa"cry his little lambs, On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.

你能叫出畜棚里那只小动物的名字吗?它是咩咩叫还是哞哞叫?。Can you name the baby animal in this barn?Does it baa or moo?

我供给羊毛。我咩咩叫。猜猜我是谁。是我,绵羊!I give wool. i say " baa. " guess who i am. it ' s me, the sheep.

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一个文本没有确定的真实,只有不断被阐释的历史。A text baa no absolute trueness but only successively interpreted history.

认识羊的外形特征、生活习性,教宝宝发“咩”的音。Know the shape of the sheep character, living habit, teach baby hair "baa" sound.

咩咩黑绵羊,你有很多羊毛吗?是的,先生!是的,先生!有三袋满的。一袋给我男主人,一袋俾我女主人,一袋给小男孩。他们住在小巷里。是的,先生!是的,先生。Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool. Yes! Sir! Yes! Sir! Three bags full. One for my master. one for my dame. and one for the little boy.

你能想象熊猫说“我爱你”时是“咩咩咩”,说“我愿意”时像鸟叫,而说“我很生气”时又像狗叫吗?Can you imagine giant pandas baa like sheep to say "I love you" and warble a cheerful "I do" when wooed by a suitor, and bark like a dog when they are furious?

我想问做咩仲无人黎回应我所发出和改版后的问题,咁请问开尼个讨论区做咩呢?I want to ask makes baa the Zhong nobody Lebanon to respond me to send out after the edition correction the question, asked opens the Nepali discussion area to do baa?

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所设计的管道机器人三轴差动式驱动单元为机械自适应型差动式管道机器人的理论研究奠定了基础。The designed id-axial differential drive unit of in-pipe robot baa laid a foundation for theoretical research of differential in-pipe robot with mechanical adaptability.

牙肉又红又痛,又生左几粒菲兹,除左饮凉茶可以降下D火,仲有咩办法即刻有效噶?急啊!Tooth flesh red painful, be born again left a few humble this, except Zun Yinliang tea can fall next D fire, does intermediate have baa method immediateness effective Ga?Urgent!

英国机场管理局21日证实,已将其旗下英国第2大机场——伦敦盖特威克机场以15.1亿英镑的价格出售给全球基础设施伙伴公司,交易款项将用于偿还债务。British airport operator BAA Ltd Wednesday said it is selling Britain's 2nd busiest airport, Gatwick, to Global Infrastructure Partners for £1.51b, which would be used to pay off debt.