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我是奎松省,但我经常到马尼拉。Province but I often go to Manila too.

俄米塔─位于马尼拉市中心。In the heart of Manila , there is Ermita.

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在菲律宾马尼拉赛车F1和迷你遥控车。F1 car in Manila and mini cars remote control.

香港游客在菲律宾遭劫持,8人遇害。HK tourists killed in Manila hostage incident.

马尼拉完全是犯罪粪坑。Manila is a complete and crime ridden cesspool.

相反,马尼拉当地的一支特警队被投入救援行动。Instead, a local Manila police Swat team was used.

载客吉普车是马尼拉街头的常见景观。Jeepneys are a familiar sight on the streets of Manila.

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他按了按温赖特放下的马尼拉纸文件袋。He touched the manila folder which wainwright had put down.

把棕绳穿过天车上的第一个滑轮。Reeve the 1 inch manila rope through the first crown sheave.

在马尼拉湾2010年3月21日的浑水一个男孩游泳。A boy swims in the murky waters of Manila Bay March 21, 2010.

而在俄米塔中心耸立着马尼拉亭榭大饭店。And in the heart of Ermita, there is the Manila Pavilion Hotel.

孩子玩之前,龙舟赛在马尼拉湾1月17日。Children play before a dragon boat race in Manila Bay January 17.

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而曼娜艾娜,则被她舅舅带去了马尼拉。Mana Ina, on the other hand, was brought to Manila by his uncles.

巴海托罗位于马尼拉以北的奎松市郊外。Pakistani Toro is located in suburban Quezon City north of Manila.

她将被安葬在马尼拉纪念公园,她丈夫的身旁。She will be buried beside her husband at the Manila Memorial Park.

现在世界上每天都有几十个城市——多伦多,波尔多,布达佩斯,德国柏林,甚至马尼拉和莫斯科,都在上演这样的场景。Budapest or Berlin, if not Bogota or Bordeaux. Even Manila or Moscow.

在菲律宾的马尼拉湾,数百名民众正在进行晨浴。Hundreds of people take a morning dip in a bay in Manila March 23, 2008.

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在马尼拉,一场大火后一名男子正试图从被烧毁的棚屋里抢救一些财物出来。A man tries to recover belongings from his shanty after a fire in Manila.

把一寸的棕绳在绞车辊筒上缠六圈。Manually reeve 6 wraps of the 1 inch manila rope onto the drawworks drum.

本实验结果表明,菲律宾蛤仔的生物扰动作用是极其显著的。The result showed that the bioturbation of the Manila clam was evidenced.