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闭孔淋巴结可能是宫颈癌的前哨淋巴结。Obturator lymph node may be the sentinel node.

专用密封闭孔弹性氯丁橡胶。Specialized obturator foramen type of Flexible Neoprene.

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无闭孔神经反射,无手术并发症。No obturator nerve reflex and other complications were seen.

报道了148侧尸体标本上异常闭孔动脉的观察结果。Abnormal obturator artery was studied on 148 sides of specimens.

目的探讨预防膀胱肿瘤电切术中发生闭孔神经反射的方法。Results Obturator nerve reflex did not happen in all the 48 patients.

闭孔赫尼亚并不常见,主要发生在年纪大且身体瘦弱的女性。Obturator hernia is rare. It often occurs in elderly, emaciated women.

第二组和第三组出现2例轻微的闭孔神经反射。Obturator never reflex in 2 cases occur in second and third group patient.

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一种套针插塞,其包括具有近端和远端的轴。A trocar obturator includes a shaft having a proximal end and a distal end.

宫颈癌SLN定位个体差异较大,以闭孔窝最多见。SLN varies in different sites, but most frequently located in obturator fossa.

冠状动脉是腹壁下动脉和闭孔动脉的吻和支。Coronary artery is proboscis and ramus of inferior epigastric artery and obturator artery.

文中结合闭气装置工作环境,对火箭发动机的闭气装置性能进行了分析。In this paper obturator performance of rocket engine is analyzed according to work environment.

方法腭咽闭合不全患者通过鼻咽镜检查,根据腭咽孔大小、形状制作腭咽阻塞器。Methods Obturator was made based on the size of the velopharyngeal aperture determined with NPF.

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术中无严重出血、膀胱穿孔及闭孔神经反射。Side effects such as uncontrollable bleeding, perforation of bladder and obturator nerve reflex were not found.

在卵巢窝底处的腹膜外组织内,有闭孔血管和神经通过。Waterloo at the end of the ovary in the extraperitoneal organization, obturator through blood vessels and nerves.

这种乳突组织与花柱内侧起柱头作用的乳突组织,以及珠柄上的珠柄珠孔塞的乳突组织相连续,成为一个整体。The papilla tissue, the papilla on the style, which acts as stigma and the funicular obturator are united as a whole.

目的分析腭裂语音非手术治疗病理性语音频谱特点,评价腭咽阻塞器对腭裂语音中鼻化元音作用。Objective To analyze the spectrum features of nasalized vowels after the obturator application and to assess its value.

结果术中无明显出血,无明显的闭孔神经反射,无膀胱穿孔发生。Results No intraoperative bleeding, no obvious obturator nerve reflex nor bladder perforation were found in all patients.

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重点观测了闭孔神经髋关节支的发出部位、宽度、行经和分布。The starting place, width, course and distribution of the hip joint branch of the obturator nerve were specially studied.

目的了解膀胱肿瘤浸润深度以及避免闭孔神经反射和电切过深。Objective To comprehend depth of infiltration of bladder tumer and to prevent reflection of obturator nerve and over-resection.

术中无闭孔神经反射、膀胱穿孔及水中毒发生,无输血。No complications such as obturator nerve reflex, bladder perforation, or overhydration occurred. No blood transfusion was required.