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主要分布在奈及利亚南部与加彭。Mainly in south Nigeria and Gabon.

他还将访问尼日利亚和肯尼亚。He will also visit Nigeria and Kenya.

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尼日利亚的疫苗衍生脊髓灰质炎病毒Vaccine-derived poliovirus in Nigeria

威尔·罗斯在尼日利亚报道。From Nigeria Will Ross has this report.

尼日利亚西南部一城市,在伊巴丹市以东。A city of southwest Nigeria east of Ibadan.

尼日利亚利的分数排在倒数第二位。Nigeria has a score of 3.5, the second-lowest.

印度的大部分投资在尼日利亚。The bulk of Indian investments were in Nigeria.

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尼日利亚和喀麦隆也在步其后尘。These are followed by Nigeria and the Cameroons.

“耶苦”是爱尼人传说中的一位英雄。"Ye bitter" Nigeria is one of the legends of a hero.

货运是通过空运货物到尼日利亚的哈科特港。Freight is through air cargo to Port Harcourt Nigeria.

研究发现,约有1,130,000人在尼日利亚是盲目的。It found that about 1,130,000 people in Nigeria are blind.

为什么你认为尼日利亚会加入轴心国?Otobong Etuk Why do you think Nigeria would join the axis.

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位于尼日利亚首都拉各斯的泛非大学也是合作伙伴之一。The Pan-African University in Lagos, Nigeria is also a partner.

位于尼日利亚首都拉各斯的泛非洲大学也是合作者之一。The Pan- African University in Lagos, Nigeria is also a partner.

在尼日利亚北部凯茨那州的一个村庄里,妇女们在剥玉米叶子。Women husk corn at a village in Katsina state in northern Nigeria.

奈格里亚拉各斯的潘非洲大学也是一个合作者。The Pan-African University in Lagos , Nigeria is is also a partner.

例如,墨西哥的实验室收藏玉米种,尼日利亚的实验室收藏木薯种。Labs in Mexico banked corn species. Those in Nigeria banked cassava.

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厌倦了孟加拉国、尼日利亚和蒙古这样落后的边远小国?Tired of fusty old outposts such as Bangladesh, Nigeria or Mongolia?

这批货物只能在尼日利亚和西非其他地方出售。The goods can only be sold in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa.

四月,新科发布招聘广告,拟招两到三名前往尼日利亚工作的员工。In April, Shinco advertised for two or three staff to work in Nigeria.