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我给他讲图书架的杜威十字分类法。I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books.

他从Sucre那里接过绳子,绑在附近的一组架子上。He takes the rope from Sucre and they tie it to a nearby shelving unit.

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不过请别把这个误解成暂缓使用模式验证的借口。However, don’t mistake this as an excuse for shelving schema validation.

他现在是永冠公司的老板,永冠是中国最大的顶棚制造商之一。He is now the boss of Yongguan, one of China’s largest shelving companies.

第四,坚持求同存异,促进共同安全。Fourth, we need to seek common ground while shelving difference and enhance common security.

在餐厅的一侧,置物架单元上摆放了酒瓶和一些小柴木。On one side of the eatery, a shelving unit is filled with bottles of wine and small firewood logs.

墙体被一系列木结构所代替,并对折起来作为架子和储藏空间。Walls were replaced by a series of timber structures, which double up as shelving and storage units.

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把开放式置物架安装在厨房里,尤其是飞机或船只上的厨房或者很小的厨房里,会让空间显得更为开阔。Open shelving in kitchens, especially in a galley or small kitchen, can make the room feel more open.

媒体购买者称,亚洲的金融服务公司也正在搁置品牌营销的计划。Financial-services companies in Asia are already shelving plans for branding campaigns, say media buyers.

这就形成了鲁迅重启蒙、轻审美的文学教育思想。All that formed Luxun' s opinion of emphasizing enlightenment and shelving aesthetic on literary education.

这份协议的主要内容都是基于“在搁置主权的前提下寻求协同发展”的前提下进行的。The agreement was largely based on the principle of "seeking joint development while shelving sovereignty."

谁不回忆到自己小时候窥望一个洞穴,或走近一个洞穴时的兴奋心情?Who does not remember the interest with which, when young, he looked at shelving rocks, or any approach to a cave?

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餐厅内的曲线型落地玻璃墙以熔化玻璃板为特色,主要也支撑了陈列玻璃物品的搁板。The curved glazing in the dining room features fused-glass fins, which also support shelving displaying glass items.

随著我国物流仓储设施的快速发展,多层阁楼式货架在各类仓库中得到了广泛应用。With the fast development of warehousing equipment, mezzanine shelving systems have been widely used in various warehouses.

2003年起北京大学图书馆将馆藏纸本期刊由原来的刊名字顺排架分期分批地改为按学科分类、兼顾字顺的排架方式。In 2003, Peking University Library started a project to migrate the shelving mode from the title order to the classified order.

在货架中间,摆放著云南白药牙膏,没有花哨的包装,也没有极端的承诺,但26元的售价却相当不菲。In the middle of the shelving with no fancy packaging or extreme promises is yunnan baiyao toothpaste priced at a punchy rmb 26.

每个人都觉得,“噢,‘我必须拥有橱柜’,但你也可以方便地安装开放式置物架,把厨房用品摆放得很酷。Everyone thinks, 'Oh, I have to have cabinets, ' but you can easily do open shelving and arrange your kitchen stuff to look cool.

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“求同存异”,就是保持和突出两国关系积极面,对于分歧要力争解决,不能解决的可以暂时放一放。Seeking common ground while shelving differences means that we should preserve and highlight the positive aspects of our relations.

当捐献和移植各界悼念电视台过早搁置“三河”的时候,我们来尊重一下它取得的成就。As the donation and transplantation community mourns the premature shelving of "Three Rivers, " we stand in awe of its achievements.

这就是为什么这么搁置建设木工间流行,该项目是否是一个简单的搁置内置或高式书架。That's why building shelving is so popular among woodworkers, whether the project is a simple shelved built-in or a high-style bookcase.