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任何变化都可以是辉煌的。Any change can be glorious.

“生的伟大,死的光荣”。It's great, the glorious dead.

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生的伟大,死的光荣!A great life, a glorious death!

非常的美丽绚烂。It is glorious beyond glorious.

天枢还是最亮的星。Dubhe is the most glorious star.

金碧辉煌的宫殿使她赞叹不已。The glorious palace dazzled her.

那边那座华丽的大厅堂是什么?。What is the glorious hall there?

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天枢曾是最亮的星。Dubhe was the most glorious star.

这是多么光荣一个月摆在面前!What a glorious month lies ahead!

能成为一名空军女飞行员真的很光荣啊。It’s glorious to be a women pilot!

这些是我们的光荣传统。These are our glorious traditions.

上帝保佑此地自由永久,福泽绵长!God keep our land glorious and free!

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铙恕他人乃最光荣之报复。Pardon is the most glorious revenge.

查尔斯赞美这壮丽的景色。Charles glorified the glorious scene.

邓说,“致富是光荣的。”Deng said, "To get rich is glorious."

使我国旗光辉永常在!Shall always be our flag of glorious.

旭日如灯升九天。The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun.

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这是一个光荣而艰巨的任务。This is a glorious but difficult task.

这是一项光荣而艰巨的任务。This is a glorious yet difficult task.

为人民而死是十分光荣的。To die for the people is quite glorious.