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艾伦成功地捕捉到了这个满片刻不息变化无常的灵魂。Allen has successfully captured a spirit of restless indeterminacy.

与传统测量方法相比,不再有测量距离的不确定及CCD定位等问题。There is not the question such as indeterminacy and orientation of CCD.

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此外,法律的不确定性并不必然构成法治的缺陷。Furthermore, Legal indeterminacy is not necessarily a deficit in the rule of law.

所谓模糊性,也就是人们认识中关于对象类属边界和性态的不确定性。Indeterminacy refers to the indefiniteness of the referential boundary of a category.

第五部分揭示了布朗宁戏剧性独白阐释的不确定性。Chapter Five reveals the indeterminacy of interpretation of Browning's dramatic monologue.

证券投资风险的实质是证券资产价值运动的不确定性。The essence of security portfolio risk is the indeterminacy of the security value movement.

小说的叙述特点有不确定性和片断化,并与内在性相联系。Its narration is characterized by indeterminacy and fragmentation, combining with immanence.

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由于交通流的不确定性,行车诱导具有一定的风险。Because of the indeterminacy of traffic flow, there exists certain risk for vehicle navigation.

空调系统负荷是一个典型的具有动态性、不确定性等随机特性的非线性模型。The cooling load of air-conditioning system is a nonlinear model with dynamic and indeterminacy.

奎因的翻译不确定性理论中一个重要的内容是关于意义的判定问题。Meaning deciding is one of the major contents in Quine's theory of the indeterminacy of translation.

文化误读的产生可以从文本意义的不确定性以及读者的“前见”中找到理据。Misunderstanding is mainly caused by indeterminacy of the meaning of text and the pre-structure of readers.

翻译的不确定性源自意义的不确定性和指称的不可测知性。Indeterminacy of translation originates from the indeterminacy of meaning and the inscrutability of reference.

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从某种程度上说,称后现代主义小说为不确定性的滥觞,绝非妄语。To some extent, it's no exaggeration to argue that post-modern fiction is the carnivalization of indeterminacy.

内容和意义上的不确定性,使小说具有永恒的魅力,使人们从中读出无数新意。The indeterminacy of the plot and meaning gives the novel eternal charm and makes the reader read numerous meanings.

弄清这一时期英国政府公域和私域的模糊性有利于我们正确认识其时英国社会的特征。To clarify this indeterminacy is of great help to know more about the features of the British society in this period.

其次从哲学解释学、传播学等方面分析了翻译的不确定性产生的原因。Then the reasons of the indeterminacy of translation are analyzed from the aspects of hermeneutics and communication theory.

模糊性作为语言的一种本质属性,是指在对语言单位的分析过程中的不确定性。As an inherent characteristic of language, fuzziness refers to the indeterminacy involved in the analysis of linguistic unit.

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依据堆石料压缩试验和应力式三轴试验成果,对堆石料力学试验中的不确定性进行了论述。Based on stress control triaxial compression test and consolidation test, the indeterminacy of test result for rockfill was studied.

模糊性主要指事物类属边界不清晰和性态不确定的特性,这种现象在自然界及人类生活中广泛存在。Fuzziness, referring to the indeterminacy of belongingness and unclear referential boundary, widely exists in nature and human life.

在建立数学模型的基础上,分析了煤的弹筒发热量不确定度分量来源。Based on the building of mathematical model, this paper analyzed the origin of component of indeterminacy of bomb calorific value for coal.