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康特公司提出的是时间范围在24-26分钟之间。Cantor was offering a spread of 24-26 minutes.

康托尔于1874年创立了普通集合概念。Cantor developed the concepts of cantor set in 1874.

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她用圣诗领唱者的嗓音吟唱赞美诗和祈祷词。She chanted hymns and prayers with the voice of a cantor.

坎特也将在弗吉尼亚州宣传自己的经济活动。Mr. Cantor will also be in the area headlining his own economic event.

出生于俄国的一个丹麦犹太血统的家庭。Georg Cantor was born in Russia of Danish-Jewish parentage . Georg Cantor.

乔治·坎特出生于俄国的一个丹麦犹太血统的家庭。George Cantor was born in Russia of Danish-Jewish parentage. Georg Cantor.

康托尔先生却处在重要位置,这一点应该让关心我们国家未来的所有人感到担心。Mr. Cantor is. And that should worry anyone who cares about our nation’s future.

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结论蟾蜕应为药用动物蟾蜍的一个新的药用部位。ConclusionChantui should be regarded as a new officinal part of Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor.

41岁的拉德利在康托·菲茨杰拉德公司当债券经纪人,他从不错过和家人的晚餐。Mr. Ladley, 41, a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald, would not miss dinner with the family."We

当然,康托尔先生会让您相信,他这样做是对财政负责任的态度。Of course, Mr. Cantor would have you believe that he’s just trying to be fiscally responsible.

但是众议院多数党领袖埃里克·康托尔认为,民主党应对权利资格作出明确说明。But House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says the Democrats need to show movement on entitlements.

安东尼•卡罗是连续第14届在空中花园举办装置展览的单个艺术家。Anthony Caro on the Roof will be the 14th consecutive single-artist installation on the Cantor Roof Garden.

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那时他称,希望重新考虑此问题,但Cantor批评奥巴马在自己的税赋协议上都经常改变立场.He said at the time he wanted to revisit the issue, but Cantor accused Obama of flip-flopping on his own tax deal.

康托尔模拟加速策略以非常规方法解决指令选择问题。It selects the instructions for detail simulation according to the construction procedure of trisection cantor set.

接着在九月十号,31岁,住在曼哈顿的托里斯在康托·菲茨杰拉德证券交易公司开始了一份新工作───成为一名高级经纪人。Then, on Sept. 10, Mr. Torres, 31, who lived in Manhattan, began a new job as a senior broker at Cantor Fitzgerald.

在福克斯新闻的访谈中,Cantor说他支持提案中的某些内容,比如对小公司的税收减免。Interviewed on Fox News, Cantor said there were some proposals he could support such as tax relief for small business.

在对奥巴马的复苏法案批评最直言不讳的人里,来自佛吉尼亚东部的共和党国会议员埃里克康托尔是其中之一。One of most vocal critics of the president's Recovery Act is Republican Congressman Eric Cantor of the Eastern state of Virginia.

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实际上,康托尔及其同盟正在威胁要将飓风受害者作为人质,把他们的痛苦当成讨价还价的筹码。In effect, Mr. Cantor and his allies are threatening to take hurricane victims hostage, using their suffering as a bargaining chip.

他们两人在星期四的记者会中淡化两人的歧见。贝纳还在摄影机前拥抱了坎托。The two men downplayed any disagreements at a news conference Thursday, with Boehner going so far as to embrace Cantor in front of cameras.

“这一事件将再度使回暖的经济陷入萧条,”斯蒂芬蒲伯,全球首席股权策略师在康托•菲茨杰拉德证卷交易中心对记者说。"It's so easy to jump onto the gloom and doom bandwagon over this," Stephen Pope, Chief Global Equity Strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald told CNN.