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他咬人吗?Does he bite?

他咬下一口。He took a bite.

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蚊子会叮人。Mosquitoes bite.

有鱼咬钩吗?Do you have bite?

有鱼咬钩吗?Do you have a bite?

你想我吹箫?You wanna take a bite?

它会咬人或乱抓吗?Does it bite or scratch?

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她咬了一口苹果。She bite into the apple.

吠犬不咬人。Barking dogs do not bite.

爱叫的狗不咬人。Barking dogs seldom bite.

该死的椅子把我屁屁夹住了。Damn chair "bite" my ass!

我再也吃不下了。I can't eat another bite.

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程咬金当场大怒。Cheng bite gold spot rage.

连狗都不愿意咬我。Even a dog will not bite me.

他咬了一口苹果。He took a bite at the apple.

再多一口也吃不下了。I couldn't eat another bite.

那些小王八蛋会咬人?。So those little sucker bite?

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狗不理的狗不会咬人。What kind of dog never bite?

他说,“你一定要咬紧牙关坚持住。You have to bite the bullet.

迈克刚向我借了钱。Mike just put the bite on me.