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如果这俩对立,那就是有意义的。And if the two are antithetical then it makes sense.

这和有效的防治计划背道而驰。That's antithetical to effective prevention programs.

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这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.

第四章、中越寺庙汉字对联的价值与文化。China and Vietnam temples antithetical couplets culture.

对于电子病历,我们有两个互相矛盾的需求。In terms of EMRs, we now have two antithetical requirements.

基于传言、预感或恐惧的交易与投资的含义有天壤之别。Trading on rumors, hunches or fears is antithetical to investing.

不用说,这是与搜索引擎哲学相违背的。Needless to say, this is antithetical to the search engine philosophy.

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图书馆墙上这幅字迹苍遒的对联,正是鲁迅的手迹。This antithetical couplet hanging in the library was written by Lu Hsun.

碑记与楹联是中国文化特有的产物。Tablets and antithetical couplets are the unique cultural products of China.

维护自身因素与超越自身因素是相反的。The self-assertive element and the self-transcending element are antithetical.

情人节到了,没啥好送的,就送对联一副。Hasn't the valentine day to, what had to deliver well, delivers antithetical couplet.

对联是一种传统的文学形式,有着悠久的历史渊源。Antithetical couplet is a kind of traditional literature form, which has a long history.

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其原因可能是因为我们大多认为数学是创造性的对立面。This is probably because many of us regard mathematics as being antithetical to creativity.

抗生素和磺胺药对子本病荃本无效。The antibiotic and sulfonamide antithetical couplet this sickness fragrant is originally invalid.

这种早期关注细节将导致与迭代或自适应方法相反的僵化。This early focus on detail leads to a rigidity that is antithetical to an iterative or adaptive approach.

马蹄韵使对联与诗词曲特别是诗的界限变得清晰。Without the hoof shaped rhyme, Chinese antithetical couplets may not be differentiated from poetry, Ci and Qu.

在春节前夕,也就是大年三十,爸爸和我在门上贴了春联。On the eve of the Spring Festival, my father and I had the red antithetical Spring Festival couplets on our doors.

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对联对仗工整,平仄协调,是一字一音的中华语言独特的艺术形式。Antithetical couplet antithesis neat, tonal harmony, the word is the sound of a Chinese language and unique art form.

保守主义者是保守主义的有机形式,和启蒙运动并不对立,至少不完全是Conservativism--deep organic forms of Conservativism is not antithetical to the Enlightenment, at least not entirely.

首先,介绍了对联和属对上千年的发展历史以及在此过程中形成的主要特点。First, the paper introduces the long development of history and the main characteristics of the antithetical couplet.