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椅座及椅背可选配全真皮,半真皮及颜色布料复盖。Available in genuine leather , half leather and fabric upholstery.

时间长了,还要对座套、地毯进行清洗。At longer intervals, seating upholstery and carpets must be shampooed.

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高中学历以上,一年或以上家具业工作经验。High school or above, working with upholstery furniture at least 1 year.

完成与意大利皮革或苯胺革椅垫和魁梧。Finished with Italian Leather or aniline leather upholstery and strapping.

但这些车的坐垫和四壁都是深红色的。Anyway, the cushions and the rest of the upholstery were a deep red colour.

椅座及椅背可选配全真皮,半真皮及颜色布料复盖。Available in genuine leather , half leather and different fabric upholstery.

甚至一些汽车公司还计划将牛奶纤维用于汽车装饰。Even some auto companies have looked into using the fiber for car upholstery.

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如果它的一系列的火山,让红色的装饰和红轮辋,例如。If it's of a series of volcanos, get red upholstery and red rims, for example.

她有一个室内装潢公司,专门为宾夕法尼亚州海军的军舰制作旗帜。She had an upholstery business which made flags for navy ships in Pennsylvania.

丝,丝织物,帐,提花机,绳绒线帐和室内装潢品。Silk, Silk Fabric, Curtains, Jacquard, Dhobby, Chenille Curtains and Upholstery.

幻影以6.75升发动机和柔软的皮革内饰作为标准。The Phantom comes with a 6.75 liter engine and soft leather upholstery as standard.

低雾化性是生产家具革,特别是汽车、飞机等座垫用革的特殊要求。In upholstery application especially in automobiles and aircraft, low fogging is required.

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随着居民消费结构的升级,家庭装修装潢业迎来了更为广阔的发展空间。With the upgrading of consumption structure, upholstery is growing more and more promising.

展览中就有一件利用家里的装饰布做成的植物印花婚纱。We have an example in the show of a buttercup-print dress made of lightweight upholstery fabric.

永和布业是一家自行设计、生产、销售装饰布料及傢俬用布的专业公司。Yonghe Fabric specialized in the self-design, produce, sales of upholstery and household fabrics.

另外令我感到惊奇的是,我喜欢餐椅上那些粉蓝色的装饰!And while it's unexpected, I love the addition of the powder-blue upholstery on the dining chairs!

将清洁剂直接喷洒在布上以防溢射碰到汽车内饰。Spray the cleaner directly on the cloth to avoid streaking and getting the cleaner on the upholstery.

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阿尔坎塔拉是内饰皮革,甚至可用类型的拼接可以指定。Alcantara is one of the upholstery leathers available and even the type of stitching can be specified.

介绍了水牛磨砂沙发革的加工工艺及技术措施。The processing techniques and key technical points for making buffalo nubuck upholstery were introduced.

多色彩的方案已由主要以和金色细部装饰和红地毯装饰一起的白色装饰所替代。The polychrome colour scheme has been replaced by mainly white decoration with gold details and red upholstery.