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修复了时不时会导致模拟器中的OpenGL应用崩溃的一个问题。Fixed a problem that would randomly crash OpenGL applications on the simulator.

确保高级OpenGL菜单中的球形旋转选项是被激活的。Make sure that Trackball Rotation is active in your camera Advanced OpenGL menu.

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当然,你可以用OpenGL或者D3D制作2D游戏,但通常这并不值得。Of course, you can use OpenGL or D3D for 2D games, but it's usually not worth it.

初步建立了视密度、视磁化强度等地质场的三维可视化建模方法。This paper constituted programmes of 3D visualization, and designed visualizing mode based on OpenGL.

地形绘制是三维场景绘制的重要组成部分。This paper researches the method of three-dimensional terrain rendering based on fractal algorithm and OpenGL.

对牛头刨床机构动动的特点进行了分析,建立了牛头刨床机构动动仿真软件的运动模型。On detailed analysis of the movement model of Horizontal Shaper, simulation software is implemented under OpenGL.

我们需要比使用定点方法的桌面OpengGL更多的代码来设置渲染环境。This means there is more setup code required to render than there was in desktop OpenGL using fixed function processing. OGLES 2.

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它具有高效,实时等特点,是个完全跨平台的引擎,使用D3D、OpenGL和它的自己的渲染程序。It has high-performance, real-time characteristics, it is a totally cross-platform engine, using D3D, OpenGL and its own rendering program.

支持OpenGL能帮助那些已将在写游戏的开发人员通过这个技术更加容易的把游戏程序转到Android上并保持高的性能。Supporting OpenGL could help programmers who've already written games using the technology move more easily to Android and maintain high performance.

这一喷炬模型是喷涂机器人离线编程系统的重要组成部分。With the model of spray deposition, a 3-D simulation program by OpenGL is presented. It will be an important part in the future off-line spray-painting system.

但对于跨平台的框架如Silverlight来说,构建DirectX支持,然后再针对OpenGL重新实现一次并不值得微软这样去做。But for cross-platform frameworks like Silverlight, the expense of building out DirectX support and then doing it all again for OpenGL hasn’t been worth it to Microsoft.

雷达探测范围图形象直观地显示雷达在不同方位对不同高度的目标所能探测的距离。From the radar equations in different detection ranges, the paper realizes the display of three dimension survey scope of radar by means of OpenGL technique on a micro computer.

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另外,HD5800还能支持OpenGL环境下的多种新特效功能,而且还是首款支持苹果OpenCL标准的产品。Accordingly, the new Radeon line will also see many of the added visual features in OpenGL and will be the first to support the Apple-originated OpenCL standard for the same effect.

实际情况要比这要比这复杂一些,因为该缓冲现在是OpenGL纹理,也可以是OpenGL图形渲染结果的纹理,或者是其他纹理混合在一起的结果。It's a little bit more complicated than that, because this buffer is now an OpenGL texture and can be the result of rendering OpenGL graphics to the texture or compositing other textures together.

现在,窗口服务器是在OpenGL的上层运行的,而2D绘图则由软件或者向窗口服务器发送OpenGL命令来处理,完全和X11一样。These days, the window server is implemented on top of OpenGL, and the 2D drawing is handled either in software or by sending OpenGL commands to the window server, exactly as would happen with X11.