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另一个除盐化的方法就是冷冻的。Another method of desalinization is freezing.

一些海水淡化厂已经开工。A number of desalinization plants are already in operation.

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潜水淡化落后于土壤脱盐。Dilution of groundwater falls behind of soil desalinization.

中国需要大量投资淡化海水。China needs to heavily invest into desalinization of sea water.

它体内有一个特殊的淡化器官可将过多的盐分过滤排泄出来。It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess salt.

现在,水淡化可能是有助中国居民获得清洁饮水的最有效方法。Desalinization would be an efficient means of helping to get China's citizens clean water now.

今朝,海水淡化已经成为解决全球水资本欠缺的主要路子。At present, sea water desalinization has become an important means to offer water shortages in the world.

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时间规律则表现为雨季补给,旱季蒸发浓缩,冻融时期停滞。Temporal regularity is salification in dry seasons and desalinization in rainy seasons and stop in frozen seasons.

对除盐系统再生排水进行中和治理是保护环境的必要措施。Neutralization and administration of wastewater in regeneration process of desalinization system are essential measures.

信天翁喝海水。它体内有一个特殊的淡化器官可将过多的盐分过滤排泄出来。The albatross drinks sea water. It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess salt.

这些雕像石头将被带到实验室经过脱盐处理,然后在2003年末继续在国际上进行巡回展示。The stela and statues are to be taken to a laboratory for desalinization treatment before going on an international tour at the end of 2003.

天津的官员对东线工程提供饮用水的能力非常怀疑,他们现在正在考虑海水淡化的选择。Officials in Tianjin are so skeptical of the eastern route's ability to deliver drinkable water that they are looking at desalinization as an alternative.

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循环水,脱盐水等等怎么样。能源需求用水量又怎么样。战争还是会因资源缺乏而发生。What about recycling of water, desalinization of water, etc. What about the energy requirements of water usage. War will still come due to lack of resources.

而利用灌水洗盐方式改良盐碱地耗水量大,是生物改良方式的1.6倍。But the desalinization through irrigation to improve saline and alkaline land would consume a great amount of water, 1.6 times as much as through biological methods.

但是,即便在拖的过程中冰山失去了一半体积,这样做也远比从海水中脱盐取得淡水便宜。But even if the ice bergs lost half of their volume in towing, the water they could provide would be far cheaper than that produced by desalinization , or moving salt from water.

但是,即便在拖的过程中冰山失去了一半体积,这样做也远比从海水中脱盐取得淡水便宜。But even if the icebergs lost half of their volume in towing, the water they could provide would be far cheaper than that produced by desalinization , or removing salt from water.

井灌井排技术有效地降低了地下水位,土壤明显脱盐,作物产量不断提高。With the massive groundwater pumped for irrigation, there was an apparent decrease of groundwater depth and desalinization in soil layers that led to a substantial increase of crop production.

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这些缺水地区中许多都临近海洋,但应用于通过大规模脱盐把咸水转化为有用的淡水的能量实在是太昂贵了。Many of these water-stressed areas are adjacent to oceans , but energy is simply too expensive to make it practical to transform saltwater into useful freshwater through large-scale desalinization.