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可配装白炽灯、汞灯、金卤灯。Suitable for incandescent lamp, mercury vapor lamp.

一个好看的60瓦白炽灯还不到1美元。A decent 60-watt incandescent costs less than a dollar.

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其中光源主要是白炽灯和金属卤钨灯。Light source is incandescent lamp and metal Halogen Lamp.

用结实的荧光灯代替白炽灯泡。Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights.

欧盟决议至2012年淘汰所有的白炽灯泡。The EU agreed to a phase out incandescent light bulbs by 2012.

白炽电灯的关键部分是灯泡里的钨丝。The light of an electric lamp come from an incandescent filament.

后灯继续使用的白炽灯泡的发光二极管代替。The back lamps continue to use incandescent bulbs instead of LEDs.

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如果你摔坏白炽灯的灯丝,它便无法使用了。If you drop an incandescent bulb and break the filament, it’s done.

2010年3月17日,东芝公司制造出最后一个白炽灯泡。On March 17, 2010 Toshiba produced its last incandescent light bulb.

就餐照明用明亮的白炽灯,色感比较柔和。Repast illume uses bright incandescent lamp, lubricious feeling is downier.

尽管白炽灯价廉物美,它们有一个巨大的缺点。Cheap and cheerful they may be, but incandescent bulbs have one huge weakness.

简洁的日光灯寿命是白炽灯的10倍以上。Compact fluorescent bulbs last ten times longer than the incandescent variety.

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其中一个是白炽灯,一个是节能灯,第三个就是Sharenow的LED。One held an incandescent bulb, another a CFL. The third was for Sharenow’s LED.

这种照明效率可能就超出了白炽灯的技术范围。Such luminous efficacy is probably beyond the scope of incandescent technology.

河堤花园里的树木背衬着灯光燃炽的夜空巍巍屹立。The trees in the Embankment garden stood bulky against the incandescent Sky-line.

光带给我们改变生活的东西,从普通的白炽灯泡到激光及光导纤维。It gives us life-changing tools, from incandescent bulbs to lasers and fiber optics.

白炽电灯的关键部分是灯泡里的钨丝。The vital part of the incandescent electric lamp is the tungsten wire inside the bulb.

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传统的白炽灯尽管给人们带来了光明,但在某种意义上却没有多大用处。ALTHOUGH it symbolises a bright idea, the traditional incandescent light bulb is a dud.

1878年巴黎世博会,展出了爱迪生发明的用钨丝制作的白炽电灯。Paris Expo, at the Edison invented produced by the tungsten filament incandescent lamp.

内装白炽灯、汞灯、钠灯、金属卤灯。Suitable for incandescent lamp, mercury vapour lamp, sodium lamp and metal halide lamp.