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自动化省时省力。Automation reduces time and effort.

顾客对自动化产生的担心。The fear of automation among consumers.

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第二,罗克维尔自动动力系统。Second, Rockwell Automation Power System.

自动线能提高效率。The automation line heightens the effect.

手动和重复性任务的自动化。Automation of manual and repetitive tasks.

有两种类型的键用于自动控制。Two types of keys are used for automation.

第一,罗克维尔自动化控制系统。First, Rockwell Automation Control Systems.

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小兵做自动化行业的守望者。Xiaobing automation industry to do the Rye.

上海迪拜自动化技术有限公司。Shanghai Deba Automation Technology Co. , Ltd.

在自动化测试时记录时间信息Log timing information alongside the automation

自动化使很多非技术工人受到淘汰。Automation has obsoleted many unskilled workers.

产业自动化与驱动相关知识。Knowledge of industry automation and mechanical.

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自动化和手工测试都是似是而非的。Both automation and manual testing are plausible.

Xense-森川科技根植于工业自动化!XENSE Technology is rooted in Factory Automation.

使用处理过的程序运行自动测试。Run test automation with the instrumented program.

北京科锐配电自动化股份有限公司。Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co. , Ltd.

他们逐步采用新机器以提高自动化程度。They phrase in new machinery for increased automation.

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自动化厂务设备软硬体“,”Hardware And Software For Factory Automation Equipment.

“一卡通”是图书馆自动化的新领域。"All-in-one ID" is the new field of library automation.

自动化会因为未处理的窗口而停止。The automation will stop because of an unhandled window.