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保持教室清洁。To keep the schoolroom clean.

这种行为在教室里肯定要遭到非议。Such behavior cannot pass in a schoolroom.

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他把背靠在教室的门上。He rested his back against the schoolroom door.

隔壁教室里因为有萨拉的生日宴会而传来很大的喧闹声。In the schoolroom next door there was a lot of noise from Sara's party.

菲力普斯先生听到了这里的声音,慢慢的从教室后面走了过来。Mr Phillips heard the noise, and came slowly to the front of the schoolroom.

一句话,教师要让学生真正地成为语文课堂的主人。In short, teachers will allow students genuinely to become masters in schoolroom.

那些卡片好象许多面小旗点缀着教室。我们是何等专心啊!They seemed like so many little flags dotted about the schoolroom. How we worked!

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它跟着男孩走街串巷,还尾随他到教室。It follows him all through the streets, then dogs the boy's trail into the schoolroom.

大多数儿童看电视所花的时间与他们呆在教室里的时间同样多。Most young children today spend as much time watching television as they do in the schoolroom.

学校的教师,菲利普斯先生在教室后面辅导一些大孩子。The teacher, Mr Phillips, was helping some of the older children at the back of the schoolroom.

一天,他突然提议大家都轮流从教室的椅子上跳下去。One day, all of a sudden, he proposed that each one in turn should jump off the bench in our schoolroom.

教室里的情人盒也与早先罗马节日中抽取成对恋人名字的陶罐并无两样。And the schoolroom valentine box is not unlike the urns from which paired names were drawn at early Roman festivals.

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阿戈尔先生有时会让外面知识的清风吹进我们枯燥无味的课堂里。Aghore Babu would sometimes try to bring the zephyr of outside knowledge to play on the arid routine of our schoolroom.

直到下午上课,我才又一次见到了她,我看到她被叫去独自站在教室中央。I did not see her again until during the afternoon lessons, when I noticed that she had been sent to stand alone in the middle of the schoolroom.

1915年,在旧金山举行的巴拿马-太平洋国际展览会上,她的“玻璃房子”教室展品使她吸引了全世界的注意。In 1915, she attracted world attention with her "glass house" schoolroom exhibit at the Panama-Pacific International Exhibition in San Francisco.

然后,我要继续说明,教室是如何使它真正的事业与社会的巨大利益联结起来,继而达到统一的。I proceed, then, in endeavoring to show how the true business of the schoolroom connects itself, and becomes identical , with the great interests of society.

如今爸爸吉尔整日忙于扩建房子,而他们的房子已经有五个卧室、八间浴室、两个厨房、一个巨型餐厅,一个育儿室,甚至还有一间教室。Now dad Gil is busy extending their home which already has five bedrooms, eight bathrooms, two kitchens, a huge dining room and its own nursery and a schoolroom.

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两位修女,身穿耀眼的白色道服――年轻的修女身材姣好,年长的那位慈眉善目――会在夜色中悄然来到开着门的用藤条茅草搭建的教室里,让孩子们唱歌。The two nuns in their dazzling white habits -- the beautiful-boned young nun and the warm-faced old -- would glide to the open cane-and-thatch schoolroom in darkness, and start the children singing.