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但没有哪种技艺会将个例理论化。But none of the arts theorize about individual cases.

尽管我们不厌其烦地试图估算“混沌”并将其理论化,但它仍然是“混沌”一片。As much as we try to calculate and theorize "chaos", it is still "chaos".

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研究者称,作为食物链顶端的捕食者,逆戟鲸难逃一劫。Researchers theorize that may help doom the transient orca pod at the top of the food chain.

调查者推论巧克力中含有的黄酮醇导致血管改善。Investigators theorize that it is the flavonols in chocolate that cause vascular improvement.

你可能经常会听说某些人不停的进行研究和推理,但是一事无成。You’ve probably known people who research and theorize endlessly, but never get anything done.

一些学者建立理论,认为宗教仪式的纯度系统,反映了原始的对于健康或卫生的关注。Some scholars theorize that the ritual purity system reflects an original concern with health or hygiene.

有专家分析,目前对滇金丝猴的抢救性保护已取得实质性成效。Experts theorize that the rescue and protection efforts relating to the monkey have achieved material results.

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现在一些科学家用系统的理论说明,环境中存在的化学成分扰乱内分泌,从而降低怀孕的机率。Some scientists now theorize that endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment also can reduce fertility.

这让很多人推想可能太空里有几十个风干了的动物尸体仍然在轨道上绕行。This leads many to theorize that perhaps dozens of mummified animals are still making the orbital rounds up there.

研究人员还不清楚为什么人类的大脑会越来越小,但有些人提出理论说,大脑正在向高效性进化。Researchers don't know why brains might be shrinking, but some theorize that they're evolving to be more efficient.

有些专家的理论是,男性想要在很多有吸引力的女性中散播基因的本能使得他们对很多女性都垂涎三尺。Some experts theorize that male instinct to spread genes to many attractive partners causes them to covet many partners.

研究人员推论说,研究人员推论说,这种酶可以破坏积存在大脑中的造成记忆改变的蛋白质。Researchers theorize that the enzyme may be able to break up the protein that forms the memory-altering deposits on the brain.

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作者们推理说高的水果蔬菜摄取量有可能只是反映其他良好生活习惯选择的一个趋势或是癖好。The high fruit and vegetables intake may actually reflect a tendency to other positive lifestyle choices, the authors theorize.

他们进而认为更大的社交网络可能带来更多样的观点,这可能对自由主义的发展产生影响。They theorize a larger social network may bring more diverse viewpoints, which could be an influence on the liberal development.

你应当尝试以下,要不你绝对不会理解我所说的,你可以归纳一直到你的脸发青为止。Well, until you make the action you'll never know, that's all I can say. You can theorize about it till you're blue in the face.

研究人员推论,参与在减肥中起着关键性的作用,因为它提供了一个永远开放的网络支持。The researchers theorize that engagement plays a key role in weight loss because it offers an always-accessible network of support.

不过他们推测,可能是因为这些化学物质破坏了甲状腺激素,而甲状腺激素对于婴儿大脑的发育至关重要。But they theorize that it may be because the chemicals disrupt thyroid hormones, which are critical to an infant’s brain development.

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LIAI科学家理论上认为对抗原决定簇MHC结合的生物信息学预测方法同样适用于其他病毒。The LIAI scientists theorize that the bioinformatics prediction approach for epitope MHC binding will be applicable to other viruses.

他们推论出减重者看到了他们很喜欢但又应该设法避免的食物出现时,会感到焦虑或紧张。They theorize that the dieters feel anxious or nervous in the presence of foods that they like but are supposed to be trying to avoid.

他们推理人造的甜味剂诱发人们的食欲,使得你在不知不觉中过多饮食。The researchers theorize that the artificial sweeteners trigger appetite cues, causing you to unconsciously eat more at subsequent meals.