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这并且是民族优越感的标志。It is also a sign of ethnocentrism.

最近,我又一次想到了民族优越感这个问题。Recently, I was reminded of this problem of ethnocentrism.

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它的种族优越感从而导致其在国际贸易的失败。It's ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business.

但极端的种族中心主义还有可能被滥用于政治目的。But extreme ethnocentrism and may also be abused in political purposes.

饮食偏好应该是种族自我中心思想最为人熟知的例子。Food preferences are perhaps the most familiar aspect of ethnocentrism.

最近的危机也强化了欧洲媒体的种族中心主义。The latest crisis has also underlined the ethnocentrism of European media.

顾名思义,多元化培训的目的是反对种族歧视、性别歧视、排外主义和种族中心主义。As the labels suggest, diversity training aims to combat racism, sexism, exclusion, and ethnocentrism.

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现在,研究其他文化的人类学家和社会学家们都自觉地试图避免种族中心主义。Now, on other cultural anthropologists and sociologists who are consciously trying to avoid ethnocentrism.

晚清,这是个动荡的时代,鸦片战争的失败,一向有着民族优越感的中国战败了。In later Qing Dynasty, the roily era, China, the people with ethnocentrism failed completely in the Opium War.

德里达承认了作为他者的异质文化的地位,但他依然没有摆脱“种族中心论”倾向。Derrida recognizes the importance of other civilizations, but he has not yet prevented himself from ethnocentrism.

极端主义者往往就是怀疑,憎恨,种族优越的根源。Extremists in all societies are the root cause of nothing more than mistrust, animosity, hatred, and ethnocentrism.

另外,本研究也发现本国中心主义倾向在文化认同的过程中的确具有干扰效果。In addition, this research found ethnocentrism tendencies has disturbance effect in the process of cultural identity.

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另一方面,与西方近代种族中心主义的形成和基督教文化的排他性密切相关。On the other hand, modern Western ethnocentrism and the exclusivity closely related to the formation and Christian culture.

但是如果人类学家能够避免种族中心主义,并创造出普遍客观化的概念,关于文化的「科学」是可以建立起来的。However, if anthropologists to avoid ethnocentrism , and create a common objective of the concept, the culture of "science" can be built up.

在这个典型的例子里,希腊人把那些说不同语言的人看作是狗,就好比人类听不懂狗叫的道理一样。The Greeks, in a classic example of ethnocentrism , considered those whose speech they could not understand to be on the same level as dog, which also could not be understood.

每一个公开质疑美国移民政策能力的人会随时的被以顽固、偏见、民族优越感、沙文主义、孤立主义或者自私所挑战。Anyone who publicly questions the wisdom of current U. S. immigration policy is promptly charged with bigotry, prejudice, ethnocentrism , chauvinism, isolationism or selfishness.

对那些残忍无情的人的动机停止探求,对他们的行为感到厌恶,这和排外主义、民族自卑感或者伪善都不沾边,不管这种事是发作在纽约或是新西兰。It isn't xenophobia or ethnocentrism or even hypocrisy to examine the motives of people who are so cruel and inconsiderate an be disgusted, whether it's in New York or New Zealand.

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这样一种用自己的文化标准来衡量其他文化,并很自然地认为自己的文化是对的、而其他文化是错的这样一种倾向,我们称之为种族中心主义。Such a use their own cultural standards of other cultures, and it is natural that their own culture is right and the other is wrong culture is a tendency, which we call ethnocentrism.

干扰变数之一产品涉入程度只会有部分干扰的情形发生,而消费者民族优越感则无任何干扰作用。The degree of product involvement, as one of interferential variable, could partly influence consumers' purchase behaviors while the consumers' ethnocentrism had no interferential effect.

在这一思想上进行拓展,杨百翰大学的约翰·D·福尔马提出外族中心主义由于某些人试图在这方面矫正自己的种族中心主义。Expanding upon this idea, John D. Fullmer of Brigham Young University offered that Xenocentrism results from an attempt on the part on an individual to correct his or her own ethnocentrism.