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假种皮红色,熟时有光泽。Aril rusty and polish when ripe.

他们在一个雨水很多的四月来到这里。They came here in a very wet Aril.

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种子有红色肉质假种皮。Seeds enveloped by red succulent aril.

假种皮可能延长种子的寿命。Aril of the seeds may increase the seed longevity.

贮藏后期果肉可滴定酸含量增加。TA content in aril increased at the later stage of storage.

它是基督教的节日,在四月中一个特别的星期日庆祝。It is a Christian holiday and it falls on a special Sunday in Aril.

种子硬度与籽粒大小的相关性不显著。There was no positive correlation between seed hardness and aril size.

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几乎所有种类都有能生出称作假种皮的肉质附属物的种子。Nearly all species have seeds that bear a fleshy appendage called an aril.

目的对欧地笋地上部分的化学成分进行研究。Aim To study the chemical constituents of the Aril of Lycopus europaeus Linn.

它优美的树形、鲜艳的红色假种皮使其非常适合于园艺。Its beautiful tree figure and fleshy red aril make it perfect for a gardening plant.

种子1或2每室,椭圆形,暗褐色,部分以橙假种皮盖住。Cm. Seeds 1 or 2 per locule, ellipsoid, dark brown, partially covered by orange aril.

莽吉柿这种乔木的果实,外壳硬,内有五至七粒种子,其假种皮甜且多汁。The berry of this tree, having a hard rind and five to seven seeds with a sweet juicy aril.

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在果皮和种子的快速生长阶段多胺含量亦快速上升。At the fast growing phase of peel and seed, the changes in contents of polyamines were the same as those in aril.

茴香砂仁种子的假种皮膜质,由内、外表皮及其间的数层薄壁细胞构成。The membranous aril contains outer epidermis, inner epidermis and multiple layers of parenchymatous cells between them.

小核果较大核果之优点为种子小,高果肉率及易于剥除果肉。Eating quality of shrivelled seed fruits were superior to normal-seed fruits in smaller seed size and higher aril ratio.

最终确定干木薯、鲜龙眼、鲜榴莲、龙眼干与肉以及鲜或干山竹果为重点关注产品。Dry cassava, fresh longan, fresh durian, dry longan or longan aril and dry or fresh mangosteen are the most important products.

芡种子的种皮共有四层,成熟后坚硬,种皮外有假种皮,有增加浮力的作用。Testa of seed consists of four layers which becomes hard and woody after ripening. The presence of aril outside the testa may increase the buoyancy of the fruit.

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除了鲜红的假种皮,红豆杉的枝叶、树皮和种子中都含有生物碱、二萜类化合物、木质素、单宁和树脂的混合物,这使得它毒性异常。The foliage, bark, and seeds—but not the fleshy red aril –of yew contain a mixture of alkaloids, diterpenes, ligans, tannin and resin, which make it extremely toxic.

以晚熟龙眼品种立冬本为试材,研究了果穗垂头前后果实鲜重、各组织的水分及假种皮总糖的变化。Study was conducted on the change of fresh weight, moisture and the aril total-sugar of logan before and after the fruit cluster nutation by choosing the extremely serotinous variety-Lidongben.