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我们应该感谢你们的耐心、努力和分享成果。We want to thank you for your patience, hard work, and collegiality.

而现在是时候前进了,有一个方法可以保持这种积极的气氛。And now its time to move on, there is a way to leave with the same collegiality and positive atmosphere.

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另一种反对意见,“共同掌权”这一主题的一个变种,是八国集团一直是一个相同价值观的群体。Another objection, a variant on the " collegiality " theme, is that the G8 has been a community of values.

一个扁平的组织结构更可能鼓舞激励员工间的配合掌权和配合合作。A 'flat' organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees.

一个扁平的组织结构更可能鼓励员工间的共同掌权和共同合作。A ‘flat’ organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees.

因此,共治能够包括尊重彼此对于共同目标的承诺和致力于共同目标的能力。Thus, the word collegiality can connote respect for another's commitment to the common purpose and ability to work toward it.

相对的,如果有高度的联合领导,一种很强烈且经合作的而出现的专业规范及文化会形成。By contrast, when collegiality is high, a strong, professional culture held together by shared work norm emerges in the school.

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在这20年中,研究人员反复询问被调研者的工作情况,从老板的行为习惯到同事的合作情况。They were interviewed repeatedly about conditions at their jobs, from the behavior of the boss to the collegiality of their colleagues.

在师师交往上教师表现为个人主义倾向、教师派别主义倾向、人为合作的倾向。And teachers misunderstanded the connotation of new idea or they showed a tendency of individualism, balkanization, contrived collegiality.

主办单位将会为参赛队队员,教练和他们的支持者举办一个聚会。In keeping with the spirit and collegiality aspects of RCJI, a party will be provided by the organizers for all team members, mentors and supporters.

西方大学的学术自治是以学术团体的力量和理性精神来保证的,形成了与中国大学截然不同的学术文化。Institutional autonomy of western universities is safeguarded by collegiality and rationality which form a markedly different academic culture from the Chinese universities.