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房价已经在全国范围内翻倍了。Home prices have doubled nationally.

猞猁是国家二级保护动物。Lynx is a nationally protected animal.

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国家如何管理转基因食品?Q9. How are GM foods regulated nationally?

这部纪录片于1996年3月30日向全国播出。The episode aired nationally on March 30, 1996.

打国家和国际的联赛。playing in tournaments nationally and internationally.

因为一切都是国家或市政府的资助。Because everything is nationally or municipally funded.

此外还有很多并不知名的教练和训练师。These are not nationally well known coaches and trainers.

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如果该方法奏效,他们希望将它扩展到全国。If it works, they hope to expand their methods nationally.

他就是全国闻名的身残志坚的农村科技铁人姜德明。He is nationally renowned for its rural Technology iron man.

在一年前星巴克开始在美国市场出售速溶咖啡。Starbucks rolled out its instant coffee nationally a year ago.

环保部表示,新标准拟于2016年全面实施。The ministry plans to adopt the new standards nationally by 2016.

根据麦克金的报告,地区、国家和国际都需保护海洋。Oceans need to be protected locally, nationally and internationally.

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关于我国县乡财政债务的规模、来源与构成目前还未有完整的全国性统计。By now there has been no nationally statistics of county and township debt.

这是首次在全国范围内进行这样有代表性的专项课题研究。This appears to be the first nationally representative study of the subject.

实验室是国际认可之此种面板主要供应商之一。Q-Labs is recognized nationally as one of the premier suppliers of such panels.

她在国内和国外透过教学、着作及演讲来宣导和平。She taught, wrote, and lectured about peace both nationally and internationally.

她游历过许多国家,并能定期推荐瑜珈和健康出版物。She travels nationally and is regularly featured in yoga and health publications.

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有谁能告诉我。国定假日的工资怎么算?。Some who can tell me. How did the nationally established holiday wages calculate?

在他的研究中,布莱希尔斯采用了一项有全国代表性的实验的数据。For his study, Mr Brashears used data from a nationally representative experiment.

调查的代表性数据涉及全美10,000个以上13~18岁的青少年。It involved nationally representative data on more than 10,000 teens aged 13 to 18.