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我们在日内瓦湖畔度过夏天。We summered by Lake Geneva.

日内瓦——有人怨大豆。GENEVA — Some blamed soybeans.

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他的飞机在日内瓦停降加油。His plane stopped to refuel in Geneva.

你有没有听说朱丽娅到日内瓦来了?Have you heard about Julia coming to Geneva?

世界电信展将于2009年在日内瓦举行。TELECOM WORLD will be held in Geneva in 2009.

我们拒绝接受日内瓦公约。We refuse to abide by the Geneva Conventions.

它每隔一年在罗马和日内瓦轮流举行会议。It meets in alternate years in Rome and Geneva.

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各个代表团萃聚在日内瓦参加会议。Delegates were assembling in Geneva for the conference.

洛桑大学坐落于日内瓦湖畔,远眺阿尔卑斯山。The UNIL campus is located on the shores of Lake Geneva.

这辆豪华车亮相于2010年日内瓦车展。This luxury car were unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in 2010.

还有房间都可以望见日内瓦湖和白朗峰。You can enjoy the Lake Geneva and the Mountain Blane in each room.

1949年,李帕蒂辞去了他在日内瓦音乐学院的职位。In 1949, Lipatti resigned from his post at the Geneva Conservatory.

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定于4月17日至18日在日内瓦召开的捐助国大会将讨论如何解决这一问题。An April 17-18 donors’ conference in Geneva will address this issue.

其第一次会议将于2006年2月6-17日在日内瓦举行。Its first session will take place in Geneva from 6-17 February 2006.

这些以及其他一些议题都将被列入日内瓦会议的议程。These and other topics will be on the agenda for the Geneva meeting.

很高兴在美丽的日内瓦与各位相聚一堂。It is a distinct pleasure to meet you in the beautiful city of Geneva.

劳斯莱斯于日内瓦车展上公开了其幻影车型的电动版。Rolls-Royce has unveiled an electric Phantom at the Geneva motor show.

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联合国难民事务高级专员公署星期一在日内瓦举行年会。The U.N. refugee agency's annual conference opens in Geneva on Monday.

飞到过。那真是个美丽的国度,尤其是有名的日内瓦湖。Yeah. It's a beautiful country, especially the very famous Lake Geneva.

这些大学全部回绝了她,除了纽约州的日内瓦医学院。All rejected her, except Geneva Medical College in the state of New York.