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李青是一种信仰。Li Qing is a belief.

这是流传下来的信仰。It's a handed-down belief.

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信念付之于行动。Action will furnish belief.

他就持有这种信念。He holds right this belief.

对魔法的迷信仍存在着。Belief in magic still exists.

他蠢得让人难以相信。His stupidity is past belief.

这是否玷污了你们的信仰?If it humiliates your belief ?

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它被民众认为是神圣的。It is sacred in popular belief.

财富多寡,存乎一心。All money is a matter of belief.

她是一个可以信得过的人。She is a person worthy of belief.

她放弃了自己的宗教信仰。She disowned her religious belief.

他们放弃了自己的信仰。They apostatized from their belief.

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他永远坚守自己的信仰。He always cleaves to his own belief.

你们有着超越信仰的激情。You’ve got excitement beyond belief.

信念即自我实现预言。Belief as self-fulfilling prophecies.

生活的法则就是信仰的法则。The law of life is the law of belief.

极度崇尚个人自由A fierce belief in individual liberty.

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一个理智的人怎会相信那个?How can any rational person belief that?

那种陈旧的信念盛行了短短一阵子。The old belief enjoyed a short currency.

你对这种情境产生一种信念。B. You have a belief about the situation.