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怎样理解这些古训?How to understand these old maxim ?

请把此格言记在心里。Please lay the maxim to your heart.

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“画如其人”是至理名言。"painting as the person" is the maxim.

因而我要再次强调“保持简单”这句格言。So, once more, "keep it simple" is the maxim.

马克西姆把波琳娜送上了回家的汽车。Polina allowed Maxim to escort her home on the bus.

一般来说,好的开仓,坏的交易这个格言验证了。In general, the "Good fll, bad trade" maxim applies.

当马克西姆约她再见面时,她还不十分确定他在追求她。She was still unsure when Maxim asked to see her again.

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研究了沙地灌木柄扁桃根系的水分共享状况。Roots water sharing of sandy shrub Prunus pedunculata Maxim.

一次,有人问他怎么想到马克西姆消音器这个点子。Once he was asked how he got the idea for the Maxim Silencer.

煅烧温度在600℃所制无水石膏水泥强度最大。The maxim strength is found when calcination temperature is 600℃.

俗话说,夫妻吵得脸红耳赤之日,正是律师招财进宝之时。The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyer saw green.

俗话说,夫妇吵得面红耳赤之时,便是律师招财进宝之日。The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green.

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额,马克西姆抢了很多戏呢,主要笑点都在他身上。The forehead, maxim robbed many scenes, mainly the punchline? In him.

本研究探讨关刀溪森林生态系台湾榕物候适应性的表现。The present study investigated the phenology of Ficus formosana Maxim.

当时的民意调查印证了肯尼迪的说法,政客确实并不受人欢迎。Polls from the time bear out JFK's maxim about the unpopularity of politicians.

绝对权力产生绝对腐败,卡扎菲就是这个信条一个悲惨的例子。Gadaffi is a sad example of the maxim about absolute power corrupting absolutely.

第二天,马克西姆给她买了康乃馨来看她,问了一下她好些了没有。The following day, Maxim brought her carnations and inquired after her well-being.

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目的鉴别丹参、甘西鼠尾、荫生鼠尾种子。Objective To identify seeds of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. , Salvia przewalskii Maxim.

建立紫外分光光度法测定白根独活中总香豆素的含量。An UV spectrophotometry for determining total coumarins in Angelica polymorpha Maxim.

但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram.